Flashback #1

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Sweat glid on Luna's forehead as she was punching her instructor's padded hands.

The movements were like a dance. It all depended on how the other person was reacting. The instructor, Vanyr, would swing left and she ducked. Or he would do a jab and she'd have to block it. Training was easy and fun. But most importantly, it took her mind off everything.

Two hundred and sixty-four days. That's how many days she's been back in this realm. Luna still felt the shock in her system. She'd sometimes catch herself forgetting that she'd missed out on two hundred years of life and change. Everything and every one was different.  

She began throwing her punches harder.

She wanted to go home. To see her brother. To see Velaris. 


No one seemed to remember it.  Only her family and the citizens of Velaris itself knew of its existence but after hearing of what Amarantha did to her country, she didn't know if it was a lost cause. Luna also found herself hoping her brother wasn't a lost cause either. Even over the sea, people spoke about Rhys.

"The Whore is doing her dirty work." A guard snickered with others as they spoke about the sorry state of the Night Court.

Luna had tried to leave. She didn't care if the Queen of Hybern had made a bargain with him. But not only two days passed before she was caught. She was useless without her magic. She still bore the scar on her arm when the queen made her brat of a daughter slice it as punishment. The stupid girl was crying rivers. If her wailing had been less loud perhaps Luna would've pitied her. 

Luna had made a promise that day. She would train every day until she was strong enough to get away and be the hero her court needed. The hero her brother needed.

"Stop getting in your head. Pick up the pace." Vanyr said calmly.

Luna started doing quick habs on his hands, increasing speed as she went.

But two weeks turned into months which turned into almost a full year. Luna would leave. She would not be a coward. Perhaps she just needed to be a little stronger and figure out how to get her magic back first.

"Why does the Queen want me training?" She said panting through punches.

"Because Luna, you are to be her pet now." He said, averting her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

His gaze bore into her soul now.

"You need to do a favour for m'lady. It will be one of many. But we'll start simple. Go to your room, there's a suit waiting there for you. You're going to help me find someone." Vanyr said, untying the padded cloth from his palms.

"I am to find people for her?"

"No. You'll have to do more than that."

"I don't under-"

"Go to your room. Now. Stop asking questions. You'll see soon enough."

Luna sighed through her nose and staked off. She opened the door to the hallways and was met by the girl who cut her arm.

She wore a jewelled tiara and a pink dress.

Maybe they could've been friends if Luna was still in the Night Court. Two princesses, in Hybern's terms. 

But the Night Court was no more. Her mother was dead and her father too.

The girl smiled at her. Rage blinded Luna. That girl would never be her friend. Or even ally.

Luna simply walked off and started wondering if she the Queen would not just make her find this stranger. But spill his blood. And the blood of many others. Luna kept her back straight and strode to her room before anyone could see her tears fall. 

Author's Note:

Hi everyone!!! I had a lot of work to do this week so I haven't been able to update but I'm almost done with everything for school so expect more chapters lol. But for now I have a mini story that I think you guys will enjoy. A real chapter is coming  this week dw :)

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