What really happened part (2/2)

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Luna couldn't tell how much time had passed. Maybe a few weeks? Months? At first, she had been apprehensive about going out. But Aidhen only saw her once a week and she hated being alone with her thoughts, so going out into the city was inevitable. It wasn't too bad, she supposed. The shops were nice to look at and the food was good.

The few times she saw Aidhen, he'd made her fight. She'd train with a few demons he ordered until she nearly passed out from exhaustion. The only weapon she was allowed to use was a dagger with a clear gem on the hilt. Everytime she used it, the gem would begin to form a shade of blue.

When Aidhen came to see her again, she had fully expected to lose control through her blade wielding skills she'd picked up from the sparring. It was therapeutic in a way.

But when he came to her room, he had asked her if she wanted to go for a walk.

And so they did.

The halls of the manor were dark and lonely. It was late in the evening so she didn' think much of it.

"I'm going to miss you, Luna." He chuckled darkly.

Luna whipped her head towards the large male and widened her eyes.

"You're letting me go home?"

A warm and fuzzy feeling stirred in her chest.

"Yes. I'm letting you go home." He side glanced her before asking,

"What are you most excited about when you get back?"

"My brother. I want to see my brother." Tears pricked her eyes as she looked toward an open balcony. Aidhen guided her there, and leaned against the edge.

"What if he's forgotten you?" He asked, staring at the sky.

Hues of red, maroon and orange exploded together to form a haunting colour.

"It hasn't been that long. I can tell because I haven't aged at all!"
"You care for him deeply." He stated.

"Of course I do. He is my brother, and therefore one half of me."

Silence stretched between them.

"You know nothing of the world. People do not deserve such devotion. In one way or another, they will fail you." He said, more to himself than her.

"Why do you care?"

"Let's say my advice is a parting gift. You're a tough youngling. I can admire that in you. I was tough when I was your age too."

She suddenly felt the urge to ask him more. Aidhen wasn't as cruel as she thought he was. Maybe he really just wanted to save her and let her rest. Sure, he needed something from her. A power? But she'd give up anything to see her father or brother.

She rarely let her mind go to her father. She couldn't bear to think of how worried he must be. They didn't have the best of moments sometimes, but she couldn't wait to run to him. To tell him what happened in the mountains.

"Little one. Things may not be how you want them to be. Time here works differently from your world. And..."

Aidhen stopped speaking, gazed away from the sky and looked at her. She couldn't quite make out what lay in his eyes. Regret? Fear? Whatever it was, it disappeared in an instant and turned cold.

"And I made a deal with someone who will take care of you while I'm away. It'll make everything easier if you cooperate."

An icy rage filled her head.

"No! I want to see my family! I want to see Rhys! Or anyone, please! I want to see my friends again!" Her mind flashed to Xia before she physically shook the image away.

Her heart began to throb.

"Please! What did I ever do to you?!" She began crying until it became hard to breathe.

"There are things you don't understand. This is a game of war. And when it's time, you'll know why I had to do what I did." He said firmly. No trace of the smooth allure he usually held.

Her sobbing stopped as her thoughts spilled from her mind.

"What did you do to me?"

He didn't reply.


No, no, no. This wasn't a time for rest. She wasn't here for her benefit. He didn't want to save her, he wanted to use her.

"I took something, that was never mine to take."

The honest confession took her back for a moment.

"Do you truly not care about how what you do affects others?" She yelled.

"It was necessary. And you're no exception, Luna. When you get back, things are going to be hard. That is my only warning."

"I'm nothing but a weapon to you. Disposable at any moment." She hiccuped.

Aidhen blinked before responding,

"Yes. That's all you ever where, and what you'll ever be."

A muscle in his jaw clicked before he took out the knife she sparred with, the gem now blue. He gave it to her.

"Who am I going to see when I get back?" She asked, angrily.

"A queen."

"Will she be kind?"

He didn't respond and merely said,

"Tirajgh Xoi Meitlg"

The world beneath her feet shifted and blak spots blurred her vision. She felt as though she was falling and swimming at the same time. She was cold and hot, hungry yet full.

A week was all it took to confirm her worst fears.

Her father was dead.
Centuries had passed.
The Queen was not kind.

Her brother had forgotten about her.

Author's Note

There's a movie quote in there so if you find it, you win:)

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