Eighteen-"Black Panther (R.I.P)"

Start from the beginning

"I'll get a bigger size," he said before walking off.

"It's still going to squeeze your balls!" Madi shouted over the store and I ducked in embarrassment. I picked up a costume and threw it at her.

"What?" she asked.

"What is wrong with your mouth, girl?" I laughed and she joined in with me.

I found the right size for my costume, but as I reached forward I saw a Thing One and Two Costume. The flashback of last year's Halloween came to mind. Madi, Oscar, and I went as Thing One, Two, and Three. We bought an extra costume and made the two into three.

It was so fun, because we bought the hair and even painted our faces with stripes.

A frown quickly covered my face as the memory faded away into reality.

We weren't inseparable anymore.

Oscar was completely different now.

After his visit a week ago, he still remained silent towards me and I didn't mind. He didn't have the right to throw jeers at me about who I may or may not like when he was dating Sally.

They laid it heavy in the hallways with their PDA, all the while Oscar still remain mum with Madi and me.

Sometimes watching them made me feel sad. That my best friend-ex best friend was probably happy and I couldn't share it with him because he made it impossible for me to. Sometimes watching them made me feel angry because he developed into everything that he said he hated.

I tried to not watch them at all.

"Jasmine, huh?" Levi said as he stood beside me. I didn't even feel him come near.

"Yeah, the only thing my size" I joked, lifting it up in the air and then tucking it under my arm.

"A whole new world" he quoted and I raised a brow at him. He just shook his head. "My little cousin forced me to watch it with her every single time we visit. I, eventually stopped going to when I found out"

I laughed. "I feel like you're secretly into it" I bumped his shoulder and he laughed.

"If I had to admit, it is a good movie"

"See!" I pointed out and he just laughed.

"Okay, I'm just going to go as a ghost or something" Madi mumbled coming over to us. We both looked at her, seeing her frowned.

"I have a black leotard home if you're still interested in Catwoman," I told her as she started walking out of the store. I couldn't let her go because this was actually the 7th store we had come to and I was tired.

She spun around, her hand going on her chin in thought. "I did see some ears" she bit her lip and then walked back into the store.

Levi and I let out a sigh of relief and when realizing that we did the same thing burst out laughing.


When I arrived home from the gruesome task of shopping with Madi, I was beyond tired. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do any kind of homework or any of my Friday night routine without at least an hour's nap.

I trekked towards the kitchen to get a cool glass of water, freezing in my spot when I saw my mother sitting at the dining table with papers spread all around her.

"Hi mom," I said, looking back through the glass window by our door. Was I that tired that I just passed her car?

"Hi, baby" she greeted, flashing a bright smile my way before looking back to her work. I walked closer to the table, glancing down at the amount of files she had all over the area.

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