Chapter Ten

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Opening my eyes, I know something is wrong; I look around and take in the navy walls and brown blinds, a small dresser sits in the corner of the room, and a desk on the other side. Everything is impeccable and organized and very meticulous like the owner would know if I moved one thing.
Speaking of the owner, whose room am I in? The last thing I remember is falling asleep watching stranger things.

I hear a groan from beside me and freeze; I'm not alone; I'm sleeping with someone.
I squeeze my eyes shut and then turn my head and slowly open one eye then the other.
I am rewarded with a sleeping Forrest a foot away from my face. His face is so relaxed, unlike the usual scowl that he wears. I stare at him for a while until my gaze drifts down to his naked chest.

I think I might be drooling, but I don't care; I can't look away. His chest is perfectly sculpted, like chiseled out of stone. I want to reach out to touch him, but I squeeze my hand into a fist to keep myself from reaching over.
As I stare unrelentingly, a thought occurs to me that I am in bed with Forrest, who is naked, and I don't remember how I got here.
I quickly look down and find that I'm fully clothed except for my shoes. I lay back against the pillow and breath out a sigh of relief; I am not ready for that.

I hear a groan and look over to see Forrest stirring; he slowly opens his eyes and looks up at me. He stares at me in adoration for a few seconds before he realizes and puts his shields back up. He stretches out and looks at the ceiling.

When I realize he isn't going to talk first, I ask, "why am I in your bed?"

"you fell asleep on the couch, and it looked uncomfortable, I didn't think you would make it back home, and I didn't want you driving that late so I put you to bed."

He says it so casually like it's not strange that I'm sleeping in his bed.

"you slept with me," I state. He nods.

"In the same bed."

"Chill, we just slept," he rolls his eyes and rises from the bed stalking to the bathroom. I watch his muscles ripple as he walks away.

"There is a bathroom right across the hall if you want to shower."

"huh" I murmer.

"or you can keep staring."

My eyes snap up to his face as he looks over his shoulder and I see the smirk on his face.

"Thanks," I mumble, jumping up and running to the bathroom, followed by his chuckle. I take longer in the bathroom, trying to get my head together and hopefully outlive my embarrassment.
After a shower, I change back into my clothes and make my way downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, I find everyone seated and eating cereal.

"Morning, sleep well?" Caleb says in a weird voice.

I feel the heat rise in my face and don't want to know how red I must look. Everyone looks up at me, and I want the floor to open up and swallow me.

"It was fine."

"Just fine? Dear Forrest, you must be losing your touch." Caleb mocks.

"We slept, asshole, that was it" Forrest rolls his eyes.

Looking back up, I catch Asher's eyes, and he looks down; in fact, everyone is looking at their bowls.

Noticing the tension in the room, I decide it's in my best interest to move away as fast as possible. I walk toward the front door to get my keys and go home when Mason's voice stops me.

"Wait dont go"

I sigh and turn back to him expectantly, "why?"

Mason walks over to the sink with his bowl smacking Caleb on the back of the head on the way.
"I was hoping we could skip school today since the parentals are out of town; we wanted to show you something."

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