Chapter Twenty-One

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Slowly I wake up; everything is groggy. It's hard to remember where I am or how I got here. Every muscle in my body is stiff, and I go to stretch out, but I can't move my arms or legs. So that quickly wakes me up.

I snap my eyes open and try to get a bear on my surroundings; it looks like I'm in some kind of warehouse similar to the one we raided a few days ago. I'm tied to some sort of metal chair, my arms and hands are bolted down in some kind of metal cage attached to the chair's arms, and my legs are cuffed to the legs of the chair.

I pull at my restraints, but nothing budges, I try to form energy from my hands, but the cage prevents me from getting anything decent enough to break the bolts; I'm also still groggy from what Spencer did to me.

Fucking spencer, I can't believe he did this. What is wrong with him? I'm going to kill him.
I should have listened to the guys but I really wanted Spencer to be the same friend who helped me when I needed someone.

My guys, Asher, Forrest, Caleb and Mason. I hope they are okay, I don't care about anything else as long as they are safe. Spencer better not have hurt them or I will kill him slowly.
I can feel myself getting angrier, which is helping me wake up.

"Hey," I yell, hoping to get Spencer to come in or something so I can try to convince him to let me go.
I yell for a few minutes, but no one comes, so I focus on building my energy enough to bust the bolts by my hands.

I hear a door creak open in front of me, and my head whips up, expecting to see Spencer, but I see someone else who I don't recognize.

"You're awake," he says, surprised, "my apologies; I thought you would be out longer, but I suppose you are stronger then I imagined."

I don't respond; I just glare at him sizing him up. He is an older man, probably in his 50s from the greying in hair and beard; he looks strong though not like a typical old man. He seems powerful but also a little maniacal with the way he is studying me with his eyes, assessing my every breath.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I?" he chuckles; the way he says it makes me nervous like I should recognize him.

"Yeah, am I supposed to know who you are?"

"Well, I suppose not, but you know me. Think child, the world's worst monster, evil villain? Any of that ring a bell?" he says, gesturing his arms out in a grand gesture.

"Blayde," I whisper as it dawns on me. I pull at my restraints. This is not good.

"Shhh," he says, walking around my chair. He reaches out to touch my face and I pull away.

"Touch me, and I'll bite your finger off," I snarl.

He laughs, "feisty... not surprising; you got that from me."

"What are you talking about? What do you want from me?"

"Ah yes, I forgot those bastards never told you the truth. It's okay. I killed them," he snarls.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snap.

"You are my daughter, Alexis." He says with a malicious grin.

My throat closes up, no, it can't be, but how does he know my name.

"What?" I wheeze out.

"Yes, those morons thought they could keep you from me, but it didn't work, did it? Now they are dead right along with that whore who thought she could hide you from me."

I just look at him, trying to comprehend what he is saying, then it dawns on me, "you killed my parents."

At that, he snarls, "those idiots were never your parents; they were imposters."

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