Chapter Eight

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The bell rings signaling the end of the school day and i'm ready to go home but my day isn't over yet.
I look over at Mason sitting across from me.
He is still writing something down, I take in the way his face is scrunched up in concentration, its cute how focused he is.

I find my mouth tipping up in a smile as I study him.
Almost as if he can sense me staring at him like a creep he looks up at me. I immediately look down and gather my things into my bag. Clearing my throat I stand up and throw my bag over my shoulders and head toward the door.
I don't even want to see the smirk that is probably on his face.

Mason falls in line behind me and we head to my locker. By the time I open my locker and put my jacket on the guys are all standing behind me.

"Ready?" Asher asks.

I nod and we head out the door to the parking lot.
It doesn't take long before we are pulling up the driveway to the house in the middle of the woods.

They all jump out and I follow, walking up to the door I notice you cant even tell I blew it up.

"Were home!" Caleb calls out as we enter the house.

"In here" a female voice calls out from the kitchen. I follow the boys in that direction.

"Smells good," Mason groans as he reaches for a cookie on the cooling rack set on the counter.

The beautiful women standing in the kitchen smacks his hand. "That's still hot Mason and not till after dinner."

She has long white hair and a slender build but I notice she is packing muscles under her shirt and apron. She turns toward me and I recognize her kind bright blue eyes. She is the women I ran into yesterday running out of here.

My eyes get big and my breathing quickens, Im not sure what to say.
Recognition dawns on her face and I expect her to be upset but to my surprise her face lights up and she smiles kindly.

I immediately find myself relaxing.
"Hello dear, I didn't get a chance to indroduce myself yet. Im Ella and you must be Sara."

"Oh you, hi, I uh," I stutter.

"Don't worry about yesterday my dear, its forgotten. Not the first time this house has come under fire, it can take it," she winks.

I smile back at her, something about her puts me at ease and all the tension and nervousness I had walking in here melts away.

"Hi boys, how was school? Ah Sara, so lovely to have you back, I thought I felt another energy here. Im exited to see what you can do today in training." Eli says entering the kitchen.

Turning to him I just give a small smile, still feeling weirdly at ease despite where I am.

Eli studies my face for a moment confused before grinning and turning toward Ella. "I see you have helped our friend Sara here."

I blink at him confused.
"She can influence emotions, I think she wanted you to feel comfortable here." he adds noticing my confusion.

It dawns on me that she is reason I'm feeling so peaceful right now. "I wish I met you last night." I blurt out.

I look around as they all start laughing.

Eli walks toward me as the boys all huddle around the cookies, "you my dear, are breath of fresh air."
He pulls me into a hug before walking back over to Ella and the boys trying to get a cookie.

I don't normally like being touched so it really surprised me that him hugging me wasn't that bad, probably thanks to Ella though.

"Alright boys lets head to the back" Eli says walking out of the kitchen.

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