Chapter Twenty-Two

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Forrest pov

We have been driving for what seems like forever, and I can't stop shaking my leg; I can feel the tension running through my brothers as well, and it's choking me thinking about what could be happening to Sara. Or Alexis, whoever.

I was shocked to learn everything that doc told us, and I'm still processing it. It sucks that she lied to us, but I know she was scared, and I just hope that we can trust each other enough to get her out of this and safe again. Nothing else matters except getting her back.

I'm a mess on the inside, and the only reason I'm as composed as I am is that I have my brothers with me, and I know we can get her back together.
I love them all more than I love myself, and I would do anything for them, and now we have Sara, and we will do anything to get her back.

I look up at my brothers and feel consumed with love and reassurance from their presence. Asher is running a million miles in that head of his like usual, probably trying to think of every scenario that will happen.

I look over at Caleb, staring out the window, lost in thought worrying, his usual playful demeanor no where to be found. He is probably blaming himself for letting her go alone, as we all are.

I look across at Mason, glaring straight ahead, expressing the anger and frustration that we all are feeling but trying to push down.

Eli announces we are here, and my heart skips. Here we go. We are going to get her back. There is no other option.

We jump out of the van and don't even try to be silent about it. We take off sprinting down the road towards the warehouse with our hearts in our throats and determination in our veins.

Just as we reach the edge of the driveway in front of the warehouse, we all skid to a halt, the door opens, and Sara walks out with a man who I recognize immediately as Blayde and Spencer walks out behind them.
Of course it's fucking Spencer, I'm going to kill him.

I feel the anger rising in my blood, and I take a step forward, but Asher puts a hand on my shoulder, holding me back. Fuck that.
I try to shake off his hand, but he grips harder, "stop, something is wrong. She isn't restrained."

I really look at her at this statement, she is walking right beside him, and it doesn't seem like she is under duress. Something feels off as well. I cant feel our energy. I don't feel our connection like I usually do when she is around.

Blayde, Sara, and Spencer stop about a few feet away from us, and I do everything I can to hold myself back from running up to her.

"Look who could join us" Blayde laughs.
"This is who the counsel sends to defend themselves? Four broken, weak children?"

"Come closer, and I'll show you who is weak," Mason spits.

Blayde just laughs louder, "poor child, you really think so, don't you?"
He nods to Sara, "Mason?"

Sara nods, still looking forward, not really looking at us, but almost through us. Something is really off with her.

"Yes, I thought so. Alexis told me all about you, all that power, and you couldn't even save your parents from me. You think you can save her?"

Mason growls and steps forward, but Asher and Caleb grab him and hold him back.

"Let her go," I growl, and he looks at me.

"Come get her," he responds, smirking, "or better yet, she can come to you.

"At that, she walks forward to us, but her walk is different, almost mechanical, and as she gets closer, that's when I see it, her eyes are black, just like when we were at the party.

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