Chapter Twelve

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Waking up for school feels like a chore; I'm not sure what will happen between us, but I have more important things to focus on.

Yesterday I let myself wallow after Mason dropped me off, I cried, and now I'm going to go to school, focus on learning what I can about my abilities, and finding out everything I can about my parents and the book I found.
I don't even look at myself that long in the mirror this morning because I look like shit, but I don't care; at least I'm up and have a plan.

After stopping by the coffee shop, I drive the short distance to school. Pulling into the parking lot, I notice that the guy's vehicles aren't here, which is strange, but maybe they are avoiding me, the thought adds to my already bad mood, but I try to shake it off.
Heading inside, I stop by my locker and then to my first class.

Mr. Tucker, my English teacher, looks up as I enter with a glare on his face and goes back to what he is reading.
I'm not sure what that's about, so I ignore it and pull my supplies out; I am very behind and determined to catch up.

"You're back," I hear from beside me.

Looking over, I see Spencer smiling at me; I didn't even notice him when I sat down.

"I am," I smile back.

"Good, I thought maybe I'd have to send out a search party."

"No search party" I laugh for the first time since yesterday.

The class starts, and I realize just how behind I am; I keep getting lost, not to mention I keep getting called on when I don't have my hand up even though I don't know the answer. It seems that Mr. Tucker has it out for me on some level, which grates on my nerves even more.

By the end of class, I'm irritated and ready to go home already.
When the bell rings, I'm so relieved that I dart up, prepared to get the hell out of here.

"Not so fast, Ms. Hale," I hear Mr. Tucker call out just before I reach the door; students file out around me as I turn around with a sigh.

Spencer passes me with a resigned smile as I make my way to his desk.
"Yes, Mr. Tucker?"

"Nice of you to join us today. Are you going to be gracing us with your presence in the future, or is this a one-time thing?"
I say nothing, so he continues,
"you have only been to class for a few days since you arrived; I was going to send home a notice to your parents when I saw you have none on file. The school seems to not care about it which is odd so I will be sending a note to a social worker."

"No," I shout. His eyes widen at my outburst as things start to shake around us.

"You will not send a note to anyone; you will ignore anything you have seen and live your life as if I don't exist," I say as clearly as possible, willing him to understand.

"I will not send a note," he parrots.

"You won't?"

Looking down, he shakes his head and then looks up but its like he doesn't see me; I move my hand in front of his face, but he is looking through me like I'm not standing there.

"What the fuck?" I whisper.

"You compelled him to forget you."

I whirl around at the voice,
"Spencer I.."

"It's okay, don't freak out," he says, shutting the door and walking toward us.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, controlled his mind in a sort of way," he says.

"Mr. Bane, you should be in class," Mr. Tucker says to Spencer when he notices him standing there.

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