Chapter Twenty-three

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I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that my guys are far away from here and safe. Hearing a noise beside me, I turn to see Spencer by Blayde's side helping him up.

Shakily Blayde stands and chuckles, "You are more powerful than even I anticipated."

I glare back at him as he smiles at me. Spencer looks wearily between the two of us.

"You seem to care deeply for the four of them. That is a problem."

I take a menacing step forward at that statement, "Blayde, listen to me carefully, they will not be harmed, or I kill you."

He laughs, "you think you can hurt me child? One push and I took over your mind. You are weak. They make you weak."

"Maybe, but I will always push back. I will fight you every step of the way and that could be a problem to your plan, couldn't it?"

He remains silent at this, so I continue," I need to know that they are safe. That's all that matters to me. So this is what's going to happen, you will promise to not hurt a single hair on their head, and I will give in entirely to the energy running through me. I won't resist or fight it. I will embrace the power, but the second you try to hurt them, I will know, and I will kill you."

He considers this for a second and nods, "okay, Alexis, I accept your terms, I won't touch them. I will fulfill my end but will you?"

"I will do anything for them," I assure him.

"Good," he smiles and then turns to Spencer, "tell the men inside it's time to go."

Spencer nods and turns to the warehouse as Blayde comes up beside me and puts his arm around me.

"Let's go, my daughter, and we can begin."

I follow him stiffly without protest to the side of the warehouse where a van is waiting. A large man in a suit is waiting to hold the door for us.
Blayde and I get in, and he shuts the door. Another man gets in and pulls away from the warehouse. Looking behind me I see several other vehicles following behind us.

"Where are we going?" I ask, turning to Blayde.

"Somewhere we can get to know each other better and prepare," he grins at me. I just turn to look out the window and watch as the trees pass, hoping this will be enough to save my guys.


We arrive at a big iron gate after driving for what felt like an eternity. The driver rolls down his window, does something out the window and the gate opens.

Driving in I see there is a long road that leads to an enormous mansion. We pull up, and a man emerges from beside one of the pillars adorning the stairs that lead up to the massive wooden door at the entrance.

He comes to our side and opens the door.
Blayde gets out, and I follow him as he walks into the entrance. The inside is just as extravagant. Two wrap-around stairs surround the giant marble foyer.

I have never seen anything so extravagant in my life. He must have a lot of money and a lot of power. How has the counsel not known about this.

"What do you think?" he turns to me.

"It's big."

"That it is," he chuckles, "this is what power brings Alexis." He brags as we walk through to a room with two huge white wrap around sofas. The room has white gold accents, very expensive looking. A painted portrait of him hangs in the center of the wall.

"You mean mind control."

"They are one and the same, Alexis," he says, motioning for me to sit.

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