Chapter Six

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Getting home I enter my apartment, setting my keys down on the table near the door I walk forward toward the kitchen turning on the light.

Light floods my eyes as I take in my simple kitchen and empty living room.

The day hits and me and I'm ready to just climb into bed, I walk to the refrigerator and search for something to eat and come up empty. I do find a can of sprite that I bought when I went to the store.

Opening the can, I chug the fizzy liquid and enjoy the feeling of it filling my empty stomach.
Throwing the empty can into the trash can I walk into the bathroom and strip down to take a shower.

Turning on the water, I sigh and lean against the wall as the heat warms my muscles. Today was weird and troubling. I'm not sure what is going to happen but I know I haven't seen the last of those boys.

I feel bad for what I did to Forrest but I wasn't in control. If I'm being honest I feel different since what happened in the school parking lot. I feel stronger yes but I also feel more out of control.

I've never felt so angry then I did in that house, it was like all the rage of the past few weeks were bubbling in my veins. I tried to stop but I couldn't control the power I felt release from me as I screamed.

It scared me and if I was scared I can only imagine what they think of me, which means I'm alone again.
This strengthens my resolve to read that book, maybe it can help me understand what is happening to me.

I turn off the water and step out of the shower, walking into my bedroom I pull out a tank and some pajama shorts from my dresser.

I get dressed and head to my bed, pulling the book from under my pillow I turn on my lamp.

I rub my hand over the gold lettering etched into the cover of the book, The Flame.
I open the book slowly to the first page.

The flame - guardians of the earth
Four men and a woman stand under the words in battle attire, eyes glowing.

I stare intently at the strange people on the page, I'm mesmerized as I take in their fighting stance. Just the drawn picture of them radiates power.

Turning the page I read,
For a time darkness controlled the earth, evil consumed the minds of humankind.
Evil burrowed into the minds of men, taking over their every thought and consuming their souls.
Then arose the flame, 5 beings made to stop the evil and liberate the minds of humankind. Their light pierced the darkness, burning bright and destroying the evil in its path.
Four formed of nature - earth, fire, water, and air.
The fifth binding them together, bringing them into one one, so powerful no darkness can touch it.
Alone they are weak but together they are strong.
Through the centuries the five have been born together and died together as another takes their place, always ready to guard the earth and protect against the darkness.

Flipping the page I'm so engrossed in the book I jump when I hear a bang on the door.
I jump up and hide the book under my pillow and rush out of my bedroom to the front door.
I look through the peephole and see a large frame, with his back to the door. I already know who is there before he turns around, in some weird way I sense him.

"Forrest" I whisper as my eyes widen.

"Open up Sara," he sighs.

Gulping I unlock the door and open it just far enough to look out.

"Can I come in?" he asks as he pushes past me into my apartment.

"Apparently," I mumble closing the door. Turning to him I ask, "how did you know where I live?"

He looks around frowning before turning to me, "I can feel you, Sara, we are all connected. I know where you are at all times."

"Really?" My eyes widen.

"No, this is the only place where you can move to if you are new to town and I asked the landlord, he is friends of Eli" he rolls is eyes like I'm being crazy.

I nod because I don't know what else to say and he is irritating.
He just looks at me for a while before sighing, "you're tense."

I scoff, "wow that's the understatement of the century, I almost killed you, I thought I did."

"And then you left," he says narrowing his eyes, "well you didn't sweets, not quite. Just knocked me out for a while."

"I'm sorry," I whisper "I don't know what happened or how," I say rubbing a hand over my face.

"Well honestly you went through the spark and your power is going to be all over the place for a while. Until you learn to control it your power is going to control you especially when you get upset," he continues looking at me, "I guess that's my fault though so I wanted to come to show you I'm fine, it's actually not the first time one of us has blown up the house using our abilities by accident."

"Okay," I say.

"Okay?" he asks confused.

"Yup, you came and explained. Great." I say annoyed.

"Look, Sara," he sighs, "I know I've been... less than pleasant and that's because I didn't trust you as well as other things I was dealing with that I blamed you for and for that I'm sorry okay?"

"Yeah okay, it's fine lets just... start over," I say.

"Okay good because we need to start training so another episode doesn't happen. I know how difficult this must be for you, getting all this thrust upon you, not growing up in this like we have but we will be with you every step of the way, helping you through this but Sara," he says walking towards me.

I force myself not to step back as he gets closer.
He looks deep into my eyes, "if you are hiding anything I will find out."

I start to look away but he grabs my chin and forces my eyes back to his,
"I still don't trust you,"
releasing me and stepping back he adds,
"but I'm going to try, don't make me regret that."

I just nod as the sparks recede from where his hand touched my face.

His eyes darken as looks me up and down, I look down and realize I'm in my pajamas.

He clears his throat and heads to the door, "get some sleep, I'm going to pick you up in the morning and drive you to school."

He leaves and shuts the door behind him before I can protest.

Crap. What was that? I'm still staring after the door for a while before I numbly walk to it and turn the lock.

Walking back to my bed I analyze what he said, he is okay and they aren't upset at me but he doesn't trust me. Well, I don't trust them right now either.

My libido is still in shock as I stare at the ceiling, it's overwhelming being in the same room as him but when he touched my face all thought left me.

If I'm going to figure out their intentions I'm going to have to try to keep myself in check, which means no inappropriate thoughts or feelings about any of them. Which is, going to be virtually impossible because I feel physically and emotionally drawn to them anytime they are near.

Sighing I turn over and shut off the lamp, he says I start training to control my abilities tomorrow which is as scary as it is intriguing.
If I'm going to be training with these boys often then I have to keep my guard up, I can't let them get under my skin. Easier said than done.

With that thought, I drift off to sleep.

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