Chapter Eleven

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Something startles me awake; laying in the darkness, all I hear is quiet, making me think it was maybe a bird.

Looking over at my bedside table, I see it's 2 a.m.; after tossing and turning for a while, I decide to get up and get some water.

The house is eerily quiet with only the refrigerator's hum to break it. Getting water out of the fridge, I make my way to the windows on the side of the living room that has a beautiful view of the tree line.

Passing Forrest and Caleb asleep on the couch, I try not to make a sound as I stand staring out the window thinking of the day before. The moon is so bright I can see past the trees, and it's even more beautiful in the dark; I wish we could live in this moment forever, in this cabin in the mountains untouched by all the darkness in my life.

"Can't sleep?" Forrest asks me in a whisper; I don't know when he got up and came over here, but the hairs rise on the back of my neck, and goosebumps line my arms at his voice.

Turning from the window, I see him standing there behind me; even in the darkness, I can see his eyes piercing through me.

"I'm sorry if I woke you; I just wanted some water," I say, lifting the water.

He doesn't say anything for so long I would think he fell back to sleep if I couldn't see his eyes still staring so intensely at me.

Sighing, I start to move past him; I don't want to deal with Forrest's moody intensity.

As I begin to move past him, he grabs my arm and pulls me to his chest. His hand comes up and cups my chin; he stares into my eyes for a second before crashing his lips onto mine.
There is nothing sweet about this kiss; he ravishes my lips with all the intensity that makes him who he is.

By the time we break apart, my hand is under his shirt, his hands are in my hair, and we are panting like we just ran a marathon; I don't want to stop, but I know we have to.

Clearing my throat, I slowly step back and remove my hands from his body as he does the same. I lick my swollen lips, and his eyes track the movement.

"Good night," I croak and spin around and dart to my room.
I'm an idiot, but that kiss was the hottest thing I've ever experienced in my life, and if I'm honest, I didn't want it to end, but it had to. Things are already so complicated between the five of us.
I stand in my room for a moment leaning against the door, trying to gather my thoughts, when a knock startles me.

Cracking open the door, I see Asher standing there with a concerned look on his face,

"I heard some noises and then seen you running to your room, are you alright? Did you see something?"

"Oh, no, just getting some water; I'm okay," I reply, scratching the back of my neck.
I hate lying, but I'm not sure what to say.

"Sorry for waking you."

"No, no, it's okay, I wasn't really sleeping. Want some company?" he asks, lifting his perfect lips in a half-smile that I can't resist.

"Okay," I whisper and open the door wider to let him through.

After shutting the door, I turn to see him standing there with his hands in the pockets of his pajama pants, looking awkward; we stand there for a minute before I make a move towards the bed.

I push past him and climb in the bed, laying on my side; he climbs in after and positions us where my back is against his chest.
His hand grips my stomach, and he hugs me tight to his chest; I let out a contented sigh as I let myself drift to sleep, surrounded by his warmth.

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