Chapter Twenty-six

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The sound of my alarm wakes me, a steady beeping that hurts my head. I reach over to turn it off with a groan when I feel something in my hand preventing me from moving it.

Slowly I blink open my eyes, and light floods in, blinding me. I blink it away and let my eyes adjust, taking in the room around me. I see a white ceiling with long white lights like a hospital.
My arms are hooked up to some kind of machine that looks like a heart monitor.

That's when everything comes rushing back to me, the park, trying to get Sara back. Fighting the specials under Blaydes's control and then nothing. I faintly remember Sara's bright orange eyes glowing down at me, but I'm not sure if it's a dream.

I look across the room and see Sara and Caleb curled up together in a recliner sleeping. I smile at the sight of two of the people I love, knowing they are okay. I could have lost them, and I will never take advantage of their safety again.

I blow out a breath and drop my head back on my pillow.

"You are awake," I hear Mason say, entering the room.

Asher is behind him with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Hey," I rasp out.

"Hey buddy," Asher smiles.

"Can I get some water?" I ask realizing how thirsty I am.

"Yeah, of course," Mason says and walks over to the small table beside the bed and pours water from a pitcher.

"I should go get Amy," Asher says.

"Amy?" I ask after drinking the water Mason hands me.
It feels so soothing I almost moan.

"Your doctor. We met her and her wife before on a mission when Caleb broke his arm," Mason replies.

"Oh Amy and Cara, they stitched me up?"

"They brought you back from the dead," Asher scoffs.

"I died? What happened? I don't remember," I say, confused.

Asher looks solemn, "If it wasn't for them being healers you would be. Mason can fill you in. I'm going to get Amy."

We watch him leave the room, and Mason turns to me, "he is still raw. We weren't sure you were going to make it."

"What happened?"

"You were stabbed by one of the specials with a wooden steak about 4'' thick. Went straight through you." he sighs as he pulls a chair over and sits beside my bed.

"Really?" I furrow my brows, trying to remember, although it's probably best I don't.

"We almost lost you," Mason chokes out as tears springs in his eyes.

"I'm here brother," I reassure him, "how long was I out?"

"A week," he replies.

A week, damn.

"What about Blayde? Sara?" I ask, looking over at her.

"Sara almost killed Blayde in revenge, but Spencer shot him," Mason says, surprising me.

"Spencer shot him?" I gasp.

"I know. That's not even the biggest news. Spencer is Sara's brother, Blaydes, son." He chuckles.

My eyes widen, "whoa."

"Yeah, and well, he shot Blayde a couple times, so I guess that's all it took to end him. Thousands of years and no one got close enough to shoot him."

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