Chapter Five

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Taking off out the door, I run right into someone and almost knock them over. Steadying them I see it's a woman, she is a little older but has kind blue eyes and long white hair.

I stand up straight and mumble apologies before stepping around her and taking off again.

"wait" she calls out behind me but I keep going, I have to get out of there.
I run back down the path and through the woods in the direction of the road that leads to the school.

Running directly out into the road I nearly run into a car, it swerves to avoid me and screeches to a halt.
I just stand there breathing hard staring at the car as a boy jumps out of the car.

"oh my god, are you okay? I almost hit you." He asks walking over to me.

Shaking my head and dusting my hands off on my pants I reply, "I'm okay."

"do you need a ride or something," he asks looking in the direction of the woods.

"actually yes thankyou, can I get a ride to the high school?" I ask.

"sure," he says before looking me over one more time and heading back towards the car.
Following him, I enter the car and we drive off.

Staring at the road he asks, "are you in trouble or something?"

"no why would you ask that?"

"you were running from the woods." He replies in a duh voice.

"oh no it was nothing, I was just lost," I reply as casual as possible.

"uh uh," he mumbles entering the parking lot of the school.

I look around and see it looks completely normal, you would never know I blew up the place with my new magical powers. I snort softly looking out the window, when did everything get so weird.

Parking and turning off the car he turns to look at me, "you sure you are okay?"

"I'm fine really, um thanks for the ride," I say turning to get out of the car.
He reaches out and grabs my arm and I jerk my head toward him.
There is something odd about his touch, something off but familiar almost.

I really take him in for the first time, his hair is dark brown and his eyes are light brown almost gold. He is handsome with a dangerous aura to him but I'm not attracted to him like I am the other guys.
Pushing that thought from my mind we just stare at each other for a moment before he releases my arm and tells me, "ill walk you inside."

"okay" I mumble getting out of the car.

We walk in silence for a while before he breaks it, "I'm Spencer by the way. I just started here."

"Sara, I just started here too," I smile.

"cool, maybe we can stick together since we don't know anyone else." He smiles back.

"that would be great but I'm pretty boring," I laugh.

"I don't know I think there is more to you then meets the eye," he says turning to me as we reach my locker.

He gives me an odd look that I can't decipher before motioning to my locker and tunning on his heel back out the door of the school.

I just stare after him shaking my head, turning to open my locker I realize I never told him where my locker was.

Marking that thought down to one of the less weird things that has happened today, I try my locker and unlike this morning it opens. Breathing a sigh of relief I notice my bag and jacket sitting neatly inside.

The last time I remember having my jacket and bag is dropping it on the ground before running out of the school. Confused I slowly take it out of the locker.

As I pick up my jacket a note falls to the ground.

I pick it up and open it,
"you are different then them, stronger. The flame will never understand your power. They will fear you and those they fear they destroy. Be careful. Don't trust them."

I read the note over and over before shoving it in my pocket. My heart is racing as I walk out of the school and towards my SUV.

What if I can't trust them? I honestly don't know anything about them besides their abilities and after what I did to Forrest they probably will fear me.

Entering my vehicle, I start it up and just lay my head on the steering wheel. I'm so lost and scared, I don't know who to trust. I miss my parents, they would know what to do.
Sighing I back out of the parking spot and speed out of the lot toward my apartment.

Maybe my parents can help me, I have to know more, then maybe I can figure this all out. I have to read that book.

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