I was snapped from my thoughts at the change of the air surrounding us and the speed of the animals running a mile away from us. We stood in our tracks. 'Vampires.' Ry mind-linked us. 'Figured it already.' Fia replied. 'I think..' none of us heard what Ernie mind-linked as the five vampires stood in front of us. The one in front caught my attention, as well as I did of his. Palest of all with golden eyes and caramel brown hair. His teeth became the whitest substance I have ever seen. His lips so red and soft that even Roses would be jealous. His canines and jawline keen enough to cut without touching. His gaze pierce through you like the sharpest knife in the world. Oh his gaze! He is looking at me. Staring at me. Why Moon Goddess? Why doing this?

I looked away trying to take breaths without the fellow supernaturals knowing. I knew I would fail that but before I could do further thinking I felt the familiar scent coming closer. The guy who looks like the leader, a.k.a the person I admired, stood a bit more straighter if that was possible. We didn't even turned back when we felt the presence of our Beta. Better to tell the only thing that's close to being Beta.

"It's good to see you Ailith." "Wish I could say the same with you Crimson." So his name is Crimson. And he knows the difference between joking, sarcasm and insulting. Adding to the point Ailith and Crimson know each other. The man who stood to his left was about to talk when Crimson beat his voice. "The sarcasm hasn't left ya, I see." "Wasn't being sarcastic." She murmured. "What do you want Crimson?" Ail asked standing broad and strong in front of us, not even a bit of fright radiating from her. "We ain't here to fight, that's not gonna benefit either of us. Our father asked to check in with the Alpha cause we heard the howl. He felt there was a threatening to the whole supernaturals or to your pack. We just wanted to help. Pardon us if we are wrong." He said as they took a step back ready to flee back to their home.

Ailith looked for any lies but found nothing. Still not putting the peace aura she spoke. "One of us was lied to." Crimson looked straight at us, looking interested in the conversation. "It is someone who doesn't have huge experience with werewolves and doesn't know a lot about the history." Crimson nodded. "What was the lie?" He asked, a bit more serious than before.

"About the Princes and Princesses."

Janet's POV

We were having dinner when someone decided to interrupt. "I will check." I said as I rose up from the seat. "No dear, I am almost done." "I am done mother," I said which left her with a smile. "No don't take the plate. Go check who's out. If you don't know call us, okay?" I nodded. I quickly rinsed my hands and mouth before heading towards the door. I opened the door and the sight in front of me caught me off guard.

"What are doing here?" I screamed quietly. "Checking up on you, of course." Oliver replied with a smile. I raised my eyebrows when he continued to smile. "You already know how I am. The physiotherapy is over, and now the only thing I am left with is some calcium pills which are also taken by Ruby and she is eating my ears off for that." I paused. "And who are they? Pack?" I asked noticing the rest. "Yeah." Oliver said. I quickly stood straight and smiled at them.

That's when my eyes found something twinkling in the moonlight. More like, they were reflecting the moonlight back. Pale would be an understatement. Ashen. I guess that's the word. Ruby would know the right word. "And they are..." I stepped a bit inside and lowered my voice, "the blood-sucking immortals?" "You know they can still hear you?" The guy who was standing right next to Oliver said. I sighed as I murmured through gritted teeth, "freaking supernatural hearing."

"Somebody is coming." A girl with soft tone of voice spoke. "That must be my mom." I said with a smile. All the werewolves except Oliver looked a bit uncomfortable. "Guys she is adopted, her parents and brother were killed.." it seemed like Oliver remembered something so quickly that he stopped and turned to look at me. "By the government. Even a friend of mine was killed." I said, a tiny smile spreading on my lips on the thought of theirs. They became uncomfortably silent that I shook my head. "Pretending everything is fine ain't gonna bring them back." I said smiling, as I felt a lump growing in my throat.

"Wait you guys can know if we are related by the scent?" I quickly changed the topic, making them, and me, less uncomfortable. "Yeah, most relatives have some kind of same smell. Not the distant ones though." The girl with much more authoritative sound informed. "Sometimes the distant ones may also have kind of the same scent. But everyone smell different." "That's confusing but okay." I admitted.

"Hey" mother greeted awkwardly. I didn't noticed the vampires were standing with the werewolves until then. She looked at me as if to know who they were and I quickly cleared my throat. "Uh- they are our seniors. Couldn't visit me when I was recovering." "Oh yes, you were at the Christmas party at the Claires', right?" Mother inquired with Oliver. "Yes ma'am, I came as Minerva's guest." She nodded as she smiled. "Come in, we just finished dinner. But I can make you sandwiches." "Oh, we would love to stay but we have got to go. Maybe another time?" The werewolf boy who didn't said anything till then spoke. Mother smiled. "Oh sure, just inform next time you guys come so that I can make you all some amazing things." "Sure, I would love to taste those apple strudel muffins again." Oliver said with a smirk. Mother giggled at it while the other werewolves and vampires stood there unclear of the joke.

"Ruby, mother and Oliver are teasing me." I cried for help, sarcastically. No brilliantly saying to her Oliver is here. She came to the door with a confused face but then smiled for not making mother suspicious. When she saw the rest she looked much more confused. "Mom why don't you start washing the dishes? We will wave them off." Ruby said with a smile. "Oh yes love, if you need something just call, okay?" She informed all of us. We nodded and as soon as she left, Ruby became who she is.

"Who all are you and what do y'all want?" "Ruby . "Calm down." I said. She shot me a look and I just stopped even trying to calm her. But instead said, "5 vampires and 5 werewolves." "Oh okay." She said and I looked at her. "Wait, did you said vampires?" She kind of screamed and looked at them. "Shhh." I shushed her as she checked for the vampires. As soon as she found them, she pulled me back home, saying, "We gotta go bye." "There's something really important to tell." "No, not now." The palest vampire present there interrupted. "We need to get out of here. Now."

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