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I and Ruby were joined by Aria and Akshay later that evening when they figured out what happened. A guy with golden brown hair, tanned skin and blue eyes was accompanied with them. He was wearing an Indigo blue shirt with white trousers. He perfectly fit to the description of Victor. Aria sat by my other side when Akshay came towards me to tell something, "This is Victor, he admitted your parents here and also informed us you guys were here." I looked up to Victor and he gave a small smile to me. Unable to smile back, I mouthed a thank you to him as he nodded to me. I rested my face back in my palm as the memories revisited me. All those laughter we have shared, smiles, love... I do miss them. And I have every right to. I waited all evening for them to wake up so I can say how much I love them and how guilty I feel that I didn't spend time with them. Everyone were worried about me cause I didn't ate or drank anything. I wasn't hungry. I only went back home when they said that I should even though I didn't agree at first.

We were at Ruby's home which is obvious due to the fact my family is at the hospital. We ate dinner and went to sleep, me with Ruby. The next day when I woke up I realized I was late. Ruby was already awake and as much as I know she is a heavy sleeper. Maybe not that heavy but still. I went to the washroom, did my business, and went out. I checked the clock. It was just six in the morning. Weird she is up so early. I walked downstairs but quickly stopped. There was Damon, Mr and Mrs Celsia and Ruby. All together. Ruby had puffy eyes. Tears were rolling from Mrs. Celsia's eyes. Mr Celsia was trying to console his wife and Damon was standing there looking really sad. I missed a step due to the overgrazing which lead to a small thump. Their heads shot towards me. Ruby ran towards me, embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back and asked, "what's the matter?"

After few minutes, we hit the road. I was being drowned in bad thoughts. They can tell me what has happened. The car was moving towards the hospital and that was clear from the familiar views that encountered on the way. My heart was thumping against my chest and my palms were sweaty. I was holding myself, trying to suppress the feelings down. But that didn't helped. After sometime which felt like hours, we reached the hospital. Ruby's and my hands were intertwined and she was behaving like she is gonna break into pieces anytime soon. I could feel the tension in the atmosphere too. There was certainly something wrong. I can just say that with no doubt.

We were going in a different way. A way I have never been to. And has no idea where it leads to. There were less doctors on the way. And the only non hospital staffs we saw were people who I think is a family. They looked broken. It was like they have cried forever. Looked like they lost some one that mattered to them the most. My heart literally dropped into my stomach. No that can't happen. There is... That is stupid.  But the way one of the girl from the family looked at me was like warning me. To prepare for the worst. We soon was in a corridor which was cold. Extremely cold. Like death himself is here. Audible gulps. Heavy breathing. Panting. Sweating. Sometimes even suffocating. Everything felt wrong. Even in the chilly atmosphere I was clammy. At last we reached a door. The door of horrors. The door I never wanted to see. I stepped back. Even though I have only seen a few letters from the word written on the door, I knew what has happened. The family I got has died. Or maybe the one who I love the most. I had forgotten about the word tragic for so long that they are giving me the worst surprise never wished for. Tears had already covered my eyes making my vision blurry. They were starting to drop, one by one and then like a huge waterfall. I started to cry even before I knew I was. Before I knew I was embraced by the tight most hug ever by Rubedium and Damon. I cried into them, not caring of my reputation and ego in front of Dammy the Damon. I was crying when they moved me to the mortuary like a precious Delicate doll that should be handled with care.

When I reached a corpse, my heart stopped. My face filled with horror. A body I never wished to see here. Somebody I didn't expected to die so fast. Mathew. His lifeless body laying there, it pained me. Near to him lied my brother. His innocent face had no harm. Not even a little scratch. I touched his face. It was soft and gelid. I quickly took my hands away and buried myself in the nearest person. It was Akshay and I didn't even realized he was there until then. Ruby came hugging us and there were extra hands too. I took my face to look at the owner of those hands to reveal Aria. She was looking at corpses lying there. I looked at there to see two more familiar bodies laying. I couldn't stare at them any longer. They were my parents and people who took care of me since birth. Our hug tightened as well as I did. Our sweats and tears were mixed in the frigid atmosphere.

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