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"Oh yes! Mother loved Greek Mythology, which explains our names."

Athena was chattering, happily, about anything and everything. We were following her through the huge corridors that shone under the little light with no source. I noticed that everything there were dark, as if I was in a dark fantasy book or movie.

It did hit like a truck to know that I am not who I thought to be, but I didn't let that take my mind over. I still hasn't put my trust into these people, so my mind was guarded and high on alert.

We climbed a set of stairs which lead us to a floor, darker than the past places we have seen. A guard appeared from the dark and stood there, his head bowed down. Athena stood there for more than few seconds before turning to the much brighter side of the corridor.

We walked again, now doors present on both walls at regular intervals. Athena came to a stop when I saw another flights of stairs, one leading upstairs while the other one goes downstairs.

"These are your rooms. This ones for Ruby, this for Akshay, that one for Aria. Mathew can stay with his friends, so this one's for you. And for you, Aphrodite, I apologize for not recruiting you to the rightful room you deserve. Just stay in that room." She allocated the rooms pointing to the five doors that laid after the stairs, giving me the middle, and last, room available in the hallway.

"If you need something, ring the bell present in all your rooms. I have some works to do for tonight's surprise. Take rest." She turned to walk away before pausing and looking at us, "outfits for tonight will be brought by the Royal maids, till then relax." She smiled at us before walking away.

We looked at each other before moving towards the rooms given to us. The huge doors were heavy and plain. I slowly opened the door to see a four poster bed with bedsheets of shades of brown. To its left was a large window. The room was too large for a single person to live.

I entered the room, closing the door behind, as I inspected the room. There was a huge art work above the bed. An enormous, expensive looking chandelier was hung in the middle of the room. The bed bench at the foot of the bed was comfy enough to sleep on. Dark brown bedside tables on both sides of the bed and the carpet of the same color laying under the bed, the chest of drawers that lay under the large mirror with a small mirror on the dresser, a large cupboard laying by its side.

Things, indeed, were a bit too much for me. But they weren't just fully adorned in gold and all. They were Royal and aesthetic enough, and the light was just right.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I made my way towards the door and opened it. There stood a pale girl, in off white dress, who looked no more than 18 years old. She quickly turned around and clapped her hands. A woman appeared from the stairs holding a package. Containing a dress.

"This is for the meeting happening today evening. Apologizes for not delivering more informations but strict order from Princess Athena to keep it a secret." The young woman smiled as she spoke. I nodded as I offered my hand, to take the dress. The girl shook her head as she motioned me to step back, which I did. She opened the door letting herself and the maid in. Settling the dress in the closet, the older maid disappeared behind the door.

"I will come back by 7:30 in the evening. Right now we are expected to show up at the dining area to have lunch as its already 12 in the noon. You might be hungry considering the fact some people kidnapped you and had the audacity to try killing you."

I looked at the young lady in confusion. I really hadn't understood everything going on. There were just too many questions.

"Is she cruel?" The girl's eyebrows furrowed. "Athena. Princess Athena." She shook her head as she spoke, "no, no. She is strict about certain things but ain't cruel." I nodded, understanding what she meant. "And, to the fullest of my knowledge, there is absolutely no reason for you to call her Princess Athena." The young lady informed, smiling.

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