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We watched the sunrise in peaceful silence and got down to the living room. Mrs. Claire was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the 7 of us while we decided to watch television. When we were about to switch on the television, somebody screamed. Me and Mathew looked at each other and seems like both of us understood who screamed. We rushed upstairs and opened the door to see a very panicked Ruby doing something. There were grunting sound. We walked in and looked inside the tent we made and stopped. He is having seizure. Two more people rushed in who were Mathew's parents and stopped confused for a second. Mr. Claire quickly took his bag and searched through the front pockets and grabbed a small liquid bottle. He quickly unopened it and poured two to three drops of it into Akshay's mouth, pressuring him to drink. After a minute or so he was calmed down and was unconscious. We took him into the hospital and explained whatever that had happened, Ruby was shaking still. The doctor there seemed to be all knowing about what happened and asked us, "Did he took any pills last night?" "I didn't see him taking any" Mathew spit out and when the doctor looked at us we shook our head no. We waited for more than 30 minutes outside a room. Mr. Kaur and Ms. Carters, along with Monica, came 15 minutes after we have reached. "Oh children, did he took any pills yesterday?" Ms. Carters asked, truly worried. "No Ms. Carters" I was the one who spoke, which I regretted due to the attention I got then. "Oh my dear Janet! How are you?" She was such a kind lady and I am sure that Moana had got her mother's genetics. "Not so sure Ms. Carters" I said giving a worried glance to the door and Ruby. "Stop with that stupid act of yours" Monica was clearly not enjoying her mother being nice to me. "Stop it Monica. I am sorry that you have to go through all these at such a young age" Ms. Carters apologized before moving away towards Mr. and Mrs. Claire, without giving me a chance to correct her. We, Ruby, Mathew and me, settled ourselves down and after few minutes the doctor came for the first time since the arrival of Akshay's parents. We got up and he said, "He is fine, just need rest. It is not necessary that you all have to stay here. He will be discharged in an hour and can go to school tomorrow as usual. Yes, you all can see him, but not right now. After he gets discharged, okay?" He said the last sentence directing towards us three. We nodded and said goodbyes to Mr. Kaur and Ms. Carters.

Mr. and Mrs. Clair drove back us to their house and gave a small lecture before leaving with Minnie, accompanied by Mathew, to our respective homes. "You three, I know it might not be my place but right now seeing you three as my own children, don't talk about the seizure and all to him if he isn't comfortable. I know you three are brilliant but just.." "Mom we know what to do don't worry" Mathew cut her off. Me and Ruby placed our bags in the trunk and took the back seat while Mathew took the front seat and Minerva drove the car. We come to a stop shortly after the driving was started and Minnie turned to us, eyeing each one of us. "You guys hungry?" She asked and Ruby and me looked outside. "Of course yes Minnie. We all are." Mathew said and embarrassment flickered on our faces. "Besides, me and Janet have been up for long and Ruby, seeing her face, it is quite understandable that her mind is with Akshay still. Sis, he will be okay." He pointed the last words to her as I gave her a squeeze on her hand. "Were you on the rooftop?" Minerva asked after starting the car to drive. "Uhm, no" Mathew said, looking outside. "I am asking you Janet, were you guys?" She asked as Mathew eyed me through window. Should I lie? I don't know. "Silence is not a better answer sometimes" Minerva said "noyes" I spit out and looked down. "Mathew I have told you too many times not to got the rooftop, It can be slippery and you were risking her life too today." Minnie said in a whole big sister way and being honest, I like this Minerva more. She pulled over in front of a restaurant and we all got off. We get in the perfect ambience and took a table. The waitress came asking for orders and Minerva ordered a sweetcorn soup, Mathew Fried eggs and bacon, Ruby a plate of chocolate stuffed pancakes and me a breakfast burrito. We all ate and Minnie took us in car after paying the bill. We all sat in complete silence when Minnie said we are going to Starbucks drive thru. Even though we strongly disagreed, thinking they have did enough helps, she went through the drive thru. "What do you guys want?" We both remained silent. Mathew frowned and ordered, "Two cold coffee one with milk, hot chocolate and a Frappuccino please" We sat in silence as he gave me a cold milk coffee and Ruby a hot chocolate. "Hot chocolate helps you the best when you are stressed" He commanded and winked. We four drank our drinks with no further talkings. It was time for Ruby to be dropped off and when the car stopped, she rushed to the front door to find it locked. She came back and stood near the car, disappointed. "Hey Mr. Celsia! Ruby finds the door locked.... Oh Okay.... Yes sure.... How's Mrs. Celsia?... Oh nice... I am fine too... Okay bye. Get in Ruby. Your parents will be late due to some hospital discharge issue. And yes, your mother is fine." She said with a smile. Ruby got in the car and we drove to my house which was pretty close. I and Ruby went to the door and rang the bell. My mom opened the door and smiled at us. She was wearing clothes she wear outside. "We were about to fetch you from there." She said and I nodded. I looked back at the car and yelled out "Thank You, Bye... See you in near future Minerva." We waved at them and they drove off after waving back at us. I made our way inside and was greeted by a warm hug near to my stomach. "Aw my little Jay..." I hugged him back. "I missed ya sissy" He said looking at me with a sad smile. I kneeled down and hugged him tighter. "I missed you too brother" We were joined by Ruby shortly after giving our sib time.

We kept our bags in my room and started completing the home works we had. I was a long day, and what's the worst part is that the day has only started. We completed our works shortly before Jayson came to call us for lunch. We joined my family for the lunch and that's when dad mumbled to us, "He is fine" Mine and Ruby's heads shot up to look. We forgot to tell them that. "Ms. Carters called me and told me all about it. It is alright, but children you must know that you both can talk to us no matter what. He is discharged. But no, we ain't gonna allow you two to visit him now because he needs rest. You both can see him tomorrow at school" My mom completed giving us a nod. "What about mom?" Ruby asked. "She is alright. In Fact, they have reached home. As you were both studying we thought not to disturb the pair of you" My dad replied her. "Aww that is so sweet of you both but if you have said before I could have not crashed your lunch." "Shush, you are not crashing any lunch my dear. You are also part of the family." My mom answered Ruby and smiled. "I will walk you to house. That way, I can see Mrs. Celsia too." I said and Ruby nodded at me. We had a peaceful lunch after which I walked Ruby to her home. We had a silent walk and when we reached there Ruby rang the bell. It was Mrs. Celsia who attended the door. "Oh you are doing well already" I said smiling. "Yes my darling, thanks to you" She replied making me blush. Ruby gave a pat on my back and smiled at me. Day before yesterday we were fighting and today we are back to the best of friends. I giggled. "Bye Mrs. Celsia" I wished goodbye. "But child, join us darling" She spoke. "Uhm, actually mom. We had a long day and I am sure she is exhausted by now." Ruby told her mother. "Oh yes, Ms. Carters informed us. Well she also told that he is now doing fine so you both have nothing to worry, okay?" "Well Ms. Carters called my parents too and yes we know he will be okay. It's just, I din't got much sleep yesterday." I responded to Mrs. Celsia who seemed to be worried for us. I walked back to home and directly entered my room, fully tired. I fell asleep as soon as my body came in contact with mattress. After all, it was so much in a day and I deserve a peaceful sleep.

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