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It has been really well for us after the slime prank. Seeing Monica be disgusted at slimes other people make and run away from any place that has slimes is making me feel wonderful. You all might call me sadist and I don't care. When I say going through these all might have made me sadist but seeing your bully being suffered is a good news to all the people. Unless and until you are Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King, Jr. who all I am clearly not. And I am not a protagonist in a Wattpad fiction who needs everyone to be happy even if they are going through worst scenarios ever possible. We were right now at school walking to the library as all the four of us have free period and we don't have anything much to do, until an announcement came. "Attention to all the students and staffs. The coming Friday is the Prankster Day in our school and as all of us knows, you can do any kind of pranks which are harmless and purely entertaining. I wish all of you good luck to create some mesmerizing funny moments in your lives. And, oh, the slime prank we had last week was a good one as it didn't ruin the girl's book and didn't hurt anyone. So yeah good luck, and no one is allowed to skip class just for this day" We smiled at each other. This is going to be one hell of fun. We quickly got off the school as it was our last period of the day and had to plan an amazing prank on people, and oh yes maybe Monica too.

We were all laughing and smiling until we reached my home. I took out the keys and opened the door to see my mom with a pan in her hand, going to attack anyone who comes in. "Oh you are early today. And you have got your friends" She said relaxing and waving the free hand towards my friends. She walked to the kitchen after telling us one more thing, "Oh please make yourselves home. I will bring you all something to drink. I din't prepared anything, didn't thought she would be early" We sat down at the couch, clearly making ourselves home, stretching and relaxing. Except Mathew. He looked weirdly excited. "On devrait aller faire du shopping pour acheter des trucs de farceurs." At the minimum I understand the word shopping. "What?" Akshay asked, a question we all wanted to ask. He laughed and said, "We should go shopping for buying prankster stuffs." At least he told the translation. "We totally should." Ruby said and Akshay nodded in agreement. I think I am the only one who uses logic as I saw everyone looking at me. I smiled and then did the talking, "We should but first of all we need a plan on what to do. If you know some thing share it with us, that's the only way we can help" the last sentence clearly directing to Mathew, I ended. Everyone went back to a deep thinking expression and after a minute or so of hearing the blending, mom brought us our drinks to which we all thanked. After drinking a sip Mathew spoke, "Maybe we should put glue on everyone's chair" I facepalmed, literally. "Bro, I would have been okay if it is Akshay who said that because I was sure that you have seen how this has backfired to the pranksters themselves. But seems like you were deaf and blind for a long time until we all became friends a few days ago" "Actually it's been 3 months Janet after us all being friends, and I totally agree with her" Ruby sided with me as well as Akshay did. Mathew nodded. Can't believe it has been three months already. We deeply thought about what to do when we were disturbed by classic club sandwiches my mom made. We ate them, trying to concentrate on thinking but the taste was so overwhelming which made us not to think about the prank for some good long minutes.

We thought for some good minutes but were unable to come up with a good enough prank. And what is the real problem is that we want to do something which other people won't really think about or assume them as stupid but in reality a really good one. We spent whole evening just laying around thinking about pranks and at last thought to do some home works as we didn't came up with any. We were nearing to the last bits of homework when Ruby's face glowed. "We can fill up a place with books" "There's a place known as library for that" Akshay said looking at Ruby unbelievably. Ruby would have literally tore his head apart if it was not for me to interrupt the tension, "I think she meant like filling up a room with books, literally. Not in the shelves, you get it?" "That is really a brilliant idea Rubedium but filling a whole place with books is really hard" Mathew said, trying to reason. "I meant to lay some huge books on the floor" she replied. "But that will need good hours of hard work and we can't do it in peoples presence as it is supposed to be a prank." Akshay told, which is true but everything is possible, right? "Unless we ain't going to do it on Thursday evening" I said as an evil smile grew on my lips. "Then when will we?" Akshay dropped that question. Thanks to Riverdale, I do know when. "Thursday night." "No way, that is breaking lots of school rules" Ruby said but seems like somebody liked it, "Please don't tell me you are joking" Mathew spoke with an evil smirk on his face. Dude he got a bad blood. "But how will we get so many books?" "Seems like someone can help us with that" I said looking at Mathew. Boy, he likes this idea so much that he is going to fall in love with pranks.

We promised each other to see the next evening to buy stuffs. That's when Mathew came up with two more plans and we agreed to do one of them and the other one if we have time. We went shopping for all the things we want till now, plus some more prankster things so that no one from school could understand what we gonna do and planned out everything we needed to do. Two more days to go.

On Wednesday, we studied everyone's face. They looked either tensed or scared. Or both. We had all our things in a backpack, ready to put things up. We were so irresistible that we needed it to become Thursday night right now. Most of the people looked excited and the teachers were becoming overly friendly, which is not such a good thing before the big day. Good things always took time and this did too. We felt like time isn't moving or it has skipped Friday. At last it was Thursday. Everyone looked mysterious and secretive that day. Everyone had planned out something mischief enough. We waited for it to become evening when I, unnoticed by other people with the help of Ruby, Akshay and Mathew, is going to pick the lock of the school window. We waited for the teacher to leave. Once she left, Akshay tried to run out of the door before Lucifer, the class monitor, stopped him. Everyone looked to that side. Nice. I was sitting near towards the last window and I slowly walked to be as near as I can be. Everyone had already stood up and moved closer as Akshay was trying to pick a fight while I was trying to pick a lock. When I am done, I should make a move that's the only way he will stop. I was trying hard, no swearing, no loud shrieks, no sound. To make it perfect. But I knew there would be a small sound that could be heard to people who are standing kind of close to me will hear. If they find out then we won't be able to prank the way we wanted to. But thanks to Mathew. He noticed me struggling to not make a sound and he slammed a large book on the table as the lock was picked. I smiled but quickly covered it with annoyance as I looked at Mathew just like every one else. "Lucifer, if you want no bad prank played on you then stay away from him." Mathew said as he growled. Is he a wolf? I rolled my eyes and seems like somebody was noticing me then. It was Monica and she was standing on the entrance. She has caught me rolling my eyes on my best friend. Aw, that is horrible. Note the sarcasm you all.

We all walked, chatting and laughing at what will happen tomorrow and gave a thumbs up at each other when we went our own ways. Ruby asked before it was her time to leave, "Will all this be good enough? Will we get caught?" She was clearly worried and can't say that I am not so worried. Tonight was a big work and all I can do is assure her everything will go right. And so I did. We separated to our own homes and I fell into my own world. Can't help but think what will go wrong.

TRAG!COnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora