"Well of course you can but I wasn't expecting you to show up. I didn't even know you were on the country" I laughed

"Hey I thought you knew me well enough to know I can pop up anytime anywhere" he smiled

"I should have known. So why are you here?" I asked again

"Well I have a gift for you and I know this is one that you won't turn down" he laughed

"Tae-min, I told you enough with the gifts. You don't needs to get me things. I have everything I could ever want because my husband spoils me" I laughed

"Well you husband might like this gift too"

"What did you get us?" I questioned

"Well I spoke to you dad and he told me how Lisa is still giving you guys a hard time with the adoption papers. So I was able to hire someone to find her. Of course she was off in Fiji with some man and after some mild threatening she agreed to terminate her rights"

"You threatened her? What if she retaliates?" I growled

"Relax. It wasn't anything crazy. I just told my PI to tell her that we were going to come after her for child support since she abandoned her daughter. After calculations it was determined that she owed her daughter 35% of her yearly salary and then times that by 7 years. It came out to ₩340,271,557.08 and that didn't include things like medical, clothing allowance and school supplies"

"Wow that's a lot of money" I gasp

"Yes and she said she didn't want to pay. We even got her admitted that she never wanted the baby and wanted to use her custody as levage to get you two to hand over part of the company. Basically that woman was using her own kid to turn a profit just in case her current husband left her. He doesn't even know she has a kid"

"That woman is pure evil. How could someone do that to a child?"

"Some people are greedy. But yes my gift is the legal paperwork showing that Lisa terminated her rights and is allowing you to formally adopt your daughter"

"No fucking way! Are you joke please don't say that this is a joke. I will kill you where you stand if you're lying Tae-min"

"It's all true. All we need is Hobi's signature allowing you to adopt her and we can file a motion with the courts"

"This is the best thing ever." I felt overjoyed and I pulled Tae-min into my arms. I kissed his cheek as a thank you and I smiled. This is the best day of my life.

"Now on another note, how's dad and your mom?" He asked

"Dad is great. Him and mom are finally going on that second honey moon. You know he's pissed that you didn't come to his vow renewal" I laughed

"I was overseas plus even if I could go you know I'm busy with my mom. She's was getting sicker and as much as I couldn't stand the woman I couldn't just leave her in some home"

"I hate that you're going through this. I know your mom isn't the nicest person but to have to go through that. The loss of a parent is too much."

"Yeah It is, but at least I have your mom. She always made me feel like I was her biological child"

"You look more like my mom than I do. I got stuck with Dad's genetics and my moms short stature" I huffed

"And that's why I treat you like a baby. You're tiny and adorable. If that husband of yours ever breaks your heart I'll kick his ass"

"Stop, hobi is perfection. And you haven't met him yet. I don't want your first introduction to my husband be you beating him up. It's not nice" I complained

"Well I'm your older brother. I'm not supposed to be nice to people who hurt you"

"Well thankfully he would never hurt me so we don't have to worry about that. Oh where are you staying?"

"I haven't booked a hotel yet"

"Nonsense you can come home with me and meet my husband and your niece."

With that we both walked out my office and went to my apartment. It was really quiet and I freaked for a minute.

Stupidly I forgot my phone charger so my phone died at work. Once it was able to charge enough I saw that I had a miss call from my husband. I tried to call him back but he wasn't answering his phone so I called Jin.

He seemed very cryptic on the phone and he seemed angry. Joon probably started another kitchen fire while he tried to boil water. I laughed at the though but Jin assured me that my daughter was having a sleepover and that Hobi had said something about working with his secretary.

I gave Tae-min some of Hobi's clothes since the idiot didn't even pack a bag. He passed out on the sofa and I made zero attempt to move him because I was too tired myself.

I cuddled with Hobi's pillow because it smelled like him.

I can't wait to show him the adoption papers tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be amazing.

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