Move On

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Was all the two could say/do.

Kira actually accepted Luz's confession.

Ed was the first to talk.

"I'm gonna kill her, I'm gonna kill this Kira."

Amity immediately grabbed Edric's leg, pleading for him not to.

"Edric no! Please don't!"

"And why not!? If this girl is making my baby sister hurt, then she deserves it!"

"Just please! Leave her alone! I don't want any drama or anything!"

"Uggh...fine...I'll see you all in the morning..." Edric stormed up to his room, slamming his door.

"Is he mad...?

"No Amity...he's just a little did nothing wrong sis." Emira ruffled Amity's hair.

"You get some rest kay? You must be exhausted after today."

"Thanks Emira..." Amity walked back up to her room.

Emira saw Amity walk off, up the stairs and up to her room.

When she was sure that Amity was fully in her room, she walked to Edric's room. She knocked on the door 3 times and let herself in.


"What're we going to do with this Kira?"

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