Answering Your Questions!

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Hi there! So recently I put up a story asking you all to ask some questions to either me or the characters! If you notice there were slight changes to your questions, I apologize! I tend to revise a lot so sorry if it bothers you!

Anyway, onto the questions!

Is Amity gonna go into depression? -Catradora_forever

Reply: It looks like she might already have it, are Emira and Edric suspicious that this could be what's wrong with Amity? -PyroMillie13

Lot of ideas I've been getting from comments, and your comment got me thinking about Amity's behavior. She's upset obviously, but I didn't realize how sad I made her be. Definitely a comment that made me think. And depression, really is a heavy topic for a story like this, but I will surely think on adding this asset to the story!

And Pyro! I most likely will have little exchanges between the two of them suspecting possibilities.

"I asked this already, but what's with Kira? An oc that just showed up and upstaged our main cast. I'm calling it with her being the real antagonist of the story. She just showed up out of nowhere and is just too convenient in well, everything. She just rubs me the wrong way, like why is she here if she's not plot relevant? Like she sounds like an oc insert that people would make but if there's a reason to all this and surprise "I messed with Luz's feelings, I wanted revenge on Amity, or I'm with the Emperor's Coven."' 

You know, when I first created Kira, I didn't even know she was an oc. I was just like, "I need a character for this story" and poof! Kira was born! And can I go about this without spoiling anything...well! Kira is there for plot convenience mostly, sort of the obstacle in the story. And for she rubs you in the wrong way, good! Sorry if that sounded bad, but I mean for like, that's how she's supposed to be.

I actually got comments on certain lines and people point out Kira's behavior, or how someone acts, or just something funny overall. And actually, I didn't actually know how manipulative Kira was being. After re-reading some parts, in the "Pink Invitation" chapter, Kira basically guilt trips Luz to staying and letting her stay. I was surprised to say the least when I re-read it!

And oh oh, she definitely has a purpose to all this. I had an overall story in my mind for Kira's part, but I've been re-thinking about what I want to do with her, comments have been giving me some ideas that I'll think that you all will hate-love. :)

Also, loving your theory!

"Hey Luz, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU REJECT AMITY?! You 2 are like soulmates, why would you reject her? And I know for a fact that Kira is gonna try to mess up your friendship with Amity and I know Willow agrees with me. Amity has always been there for you Luz.
1. She helps you in class trying to make sure you understand the material.
2. She agreed to start a Azura Book club with you and that's the most sweetest thing anyone could ever do.
3. She gave you comfort when Willow and Gus left you in the Grudgby field, and one last thing... SHE BROKE HER LEG FOR YOU DO YOU HEAR ME, HER LEG!! Just so you wouldn't get hurt and yet you still fell in love with some other bitch who you barely met and has done nothing for you or even cared about you. SO THINK ABOUT IT! Not only did you reject an amazing partnership, but you also caused a huge heartbreak. So think about it do you really think KIRA will make you happy and stay by your side no matter the outcome? Cause I can tell she wouldn't and so you really think being with Kira is worth all of this."

"Look umm..." Luz started, "I...I didn't like Amity in the same way she liked me. It was flattering and honestly surprising that someone like her would think so highly of me and have a crush on me, but...unfortunately, I didn't return those feelings." Luz sighed.

"And soulmates? Sure Amity liked me, but don't you think that soulmates are a little bit too much? She liked me, I didn't. I honestly don't know how we are soulmates if I don't return those feelings."

"And look, I can tell you're upset about me rejecting Amity,'s fine to not return the same feelings. I know she helped me in class, I know she started an Azura Book Club with me and it was sweet, and it was really nice when Amity comforted me, it was really heartwarming for what Amity does, but like I said, I didn't feel the same way...and I think she only broke her leg because Boscha pushed her backwards...not because of me so..."

"And Kira does care about me! She helped me get directions to class, she's been nothing but nice to me and she accepts me for reading Azura! She even wanted to give it a try!"

"And I know I rejected her! Don't you know that I'm hurting too?! She was my friend, and now I don't even know if she is my friend anymore! She avoided school for a week and she comes back looking horrible! I caused this and she's still trying to help me...I feel horrible...and I don't want to confront her about it because I think she needs more time...more time to think...and if I just accepted her confession with me not liking her, how do you think that would feel?"


"And what if Amity found out that I was just trying to be nice and wanted to make her happy by making her think I felt the same when I didn't? That would be a thousand times worse than what I did..."

"So please believe me when I say that if I didn't like her...there was no other option, but to reject her..."

"I would just like to ask *clears throat*"



"We're a...ship?" Luz asked.

"Uhmm...ruin your guy's ship? I'm sorry, but who's ship? I don't get what you're talking about..." Kira questioned.

"This question is for you: Is this story going to have a happy ending? Because if it doesn't, I will fucking riot." -BrotherDuck

Hmm, well I don't want to spoil anything, as I said before, but I have been thinking about this topic for a while and I'm not sure if it will or will not have a good ending. Angst is something I personally enjoy, and I enjoy good endings too, so I can't really answer that question, sorry ahaha.

And that's all your guy's questions! I would like to thank you for commenting and 1.6K view on the story, that's utterly amazing! A new chapter's going out real soon, so watch out for that, have a great day everyone!


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