Have You Seen Miss Blight?

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Luz was seen pacing around the entrance of Hexside like a lunatic. She was waiting for Amity, and frankly, the search wasn't doing too well. It had already been 10 minutes and there was absolutely no sight of her.

"Where is she?" Luz mumbled.

"Looking for someone Luz?" A voice called out from in front of her, after turning towards it, she saw Kira with her arms cross as she down at the human girl.

"Oh...hey Kira..." She said unenthusiastically, giving the witch a small wave.

"What's up? You seem stressed, something up?" Kira walked over to Luz and placed her hand on her shoulder, squeezing it a tiny bit. Luz looked up at her with a slightly red face and let out a nervous breath.

"O-Oh..." She stuttered, flinching back in surprise. "Well...you remember Amity? The one that walked up to us yesterday when we were talking?" Luz said, getting a small nod from her friend.

"Well...she confessed to me last evening..." Luz mumbled, looking down at the ground as Kira grabbed her hands.

"She has the hots for you?" She tilted her head as she looked down at her. She was only a little bit taller than Luz, it wasn't that much of a difference, but it was still noticeable.

"Apparently! But...I rejected her...and I've been standing here waiting for her so that I could talk to her about it, but she hasn't arrived yet...I'm getting worried..."

"It's okay to feel worried Luz..." She gave her a hug. "You don't have to feel bad about anything, rejection is just a part of life, sometimes you have to do it to help people, or sometimes it's just how you feel, if you don't feel that way, then there's nothing you could do about it..."

"I guess you're right..." Luz mumbled, wrapping her arms around her friend aswell.

"How did you feel about her?" Kira rubbed circles on her back, hearing Luz let out a nervous sigh.

"I think of her as just a friend...which I hate because she likes me and I can't even tell her I feel the same!"

"Luz, Luz..." She hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry you had to be in that situation...but feelings are only temporary in these kinds of situations, I'm sure she'll come back around, you just need to give her a little bit of space, you know? Rejection hurts...and if you're near her when she knows that you don't feel the same, it might hurt her even more..."

"You...know a lot about this kind of thing...have you, and I don't mean to sound rude, but have you ever been...rejected?"

"Don't worry...it didn't seem rude at all, and yeah, I've been rejected a handful of times. Sometimes I'm glad they did, and sometimes, I wish I would've never fallen for them at all...you wanna know what helps me when I get rejected?" She let go of Luz a little to face her.


"Space. It helped me sort out my feelings and try to get them down. If they didn't like me back, then it was just never meant to be, it gave me some time to myself. Really think about what I wanted, so when I was ready to get back in the mix of things, I would be prepared and ready."

"What happened to your crushes? Did you stay friends?"

"Some of them I did, but unfortunately, some just didn't want anything to do with me after I confessed. I guess it was either the awkwardness or just plain out disconnection." She shrugged, immediately seeing Luz's eyes flash with horror as they widened.

"So I might lose Amity!?" She yelled, tightly holding onto her shoulders.

"Mmm...maybe. She seems to like you a lot considering she hasn't come to school yet. Or maybe she snuck around you to get inside...anyway, if she liked you a lot and you just rejected her, you basically broke her heart, so just put yourself in her shoes."

Luz looked down and sighed.

"Hey hey, cheer up..." Kira comforted. "What if...what if we went out together?"

"Not to sound rude...and I really appreciate it, but I don't like you in that way...I'm sorry Kira..."

"What? Oh, heavens no! I meant as in, skipping school today to do something fun together. You're having a bad time at the moment, so I think going out to clear your mind would be good. Maybe get some ice cream, play some games, we could go exploring!"

"That sounds...really fun...but what about school? Won't we get in trouble for skipping...?

"Come ooon...it'll just be for today, if you want, we could come back to school if you want to, but for now, you need to let loose and get your mind off this...please?

Luz looked back at Kira and let out another sigh, her cheeks blushing a little.

"Alright...I suppose we could go...but only for a little bit, okay?"

"Okay okay!!" Kira latched onto Luz's arm and dragged her away. "You won't regret this, I promise!!"


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