Rough Day

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"Uggghh!! Today was literally hell!" Edric called out as his arms were filled with books. "And do you mind helping me out with these books?! They are freaking heavy!!"

"Hmm, let me think..." Emira placed her finger under her mouth and placed her other hand on her hip. "Nope!" She laughed, pointing at her brother.

"Oh okay then. I guess I'll just call Amity. Honestly, I bet she'd love to hear about that detention track student!" Edric said, seeing how Emira's ears went down.

"Firstly, she's not even in the detention track anymore! Secondly, stop using that as blackmail!" Emira yelled, watching as Edric let out a fit of laughter, making Emira blush slightly.

"You know sis, you brought this upon yourself. Maybe you should've been less obvious. Flirting and giving her small kisses isn't secretive when you're doing it in the middle of the halls." Edric hoisted up the stack up books to get a better grip.

Edric turned around as he heard running behind him, only seeing a glimpse of a multi-colored uniform.

"Luz...?" Edric mumbled, getting interrupted from his thoughts as a waving hand appeared in front of his face, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Boiling Isles to Edric!!" Geez, sometimes you space out too much. Weeeeiirrdooooo!!" Emira called out, receiving a smack on her hand by Edric. 

"Just shut up...I think I just saw Luz, sorry."

"Luz? Huh...come to think of it, I didn't see her at all today...I wanted to go and find her to check up on her, since I know the process of rejecting is...hard...especially if it's Luz that's doing the rejecting."

"Well...dang it, you said something that I can't come at with a joke, congrats. You ruined my life."

"Yeah, I tend to have that affect on you."

"Shut up..."

"Stop being such an emo teen, anyway, since we're going to be helping Amity out as of late, we need to make sure we don't use the L word around her. Mostly you."

"The L word? Uhh...lollipop?" Edric asked as he tilted his head, seeing as Emira groaned and then grabbed a book from the pile, wacking it over his own head.

"Oww!!" Edric yelled.

"Luz you idiot!

"Sorry sorry!!" Edric pleaded.

"You better be glad that you need to be home in one piece...Amity is gonna have your head if we're any later, she'll be her old self again, before the whole rejection thing..."


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