Chapter 11. New Beginnings

Começar do início

I looked at the mirror before I left the room. I had settled for leggings and a hoodie. The golden locket looked out of place, shining brightly against my dull clothes. I didn't want to take it off, but I couldn't bear to see it. I tucked it under my sweater, and left the room.

Ron, Harry, Hermione and I walked together to a nearby muggle restaurant. The walk was filled with deafening silence. The air between us was suffocating, at least for me. Harry sensed my stress, giving my hand a soft squeeze. 

We were seated at a booth by a kind woman, her name tag read, "Nora." She smiled, leaving us with our menus. By the time we ordered we had barely exchanged a few sentences. The failed attempt to break the silence only made it worse. I couldn't stand it. Whatever reaction they have after the truth, has to be better than this

Harry sat next to me, taking my hand beneath the table for the third time. He braced me with enough courage to finally speak.  "I'd like to tell you both something." My eyes bounced between Ron and Hermione. 

"Is this about you and Harry?" Hermoine whispered, though it wasn't close to quiet.

"No Hermione, it's quite important." I huffed.

"Well then, on with it." Ron insisted.

"I need you both to listen very clearly to everything I say. Don't jump to conclusions, or even speak until I'm done. I want you all to have a clear picture, and hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from. To explain everything, I have to tell you some things from my past." I began tapping my leg under the table, fidgeting with my fingers.

Harry squeezed my hand just a little bit tighter. "It's alright Nev, just tell them."

And so I did, I told them everything. The way Draco and I grew up together nearly our whole life. How we were all each other had during the hardest times. I told them about my grandparents, and how we never had a 'good' relationship, to keep it simple. I told them about their letter. 

Nora had brought us our food. No one touched their plate, no one even seemed to breathe. And so I went on. I told them I had been staying at the manor with Draco. I told them that I was truly happy there for a while. And despite their ideas, I was safe and well cared for. By the time I got to my parents, my voice was shaking. I was unable to differentiate the cause from nerves, the constant talking, or forcing myself to relive every story. 

By now, my eyes were holding in tears. I always knew how to be strong. I was raised to be nothing but strong. Instead, I felt my heart crumble and my body betray my own mind. I watched as warm tears fell onto the cold plate of breakfast sitting on the table. 

When I had calmed myself down enough to speak properly, I wiped my face with a laugh. I finally met their eyes. Ron actually looked sympathetic, looking at me as if he had been missing something this whole time.  Hermione's eyes filled with pity, but also admiration. 

"I'm really sorry, Nev. I wish I could say more but I'm not sure what to say at all."  Hermione reached across the table, squeezing my hand. "I misunderstood the whole situation. I understand now, and I'm truly sorry."

"Me too, I know I haven't been the kindest. I'm just glad you told us all." Ron added. "I know it wasn't easy, but we're here for you."

"Thank you guys, really. You're my closest friends, and I mean that." I forced on a smile, attempting to ignore the tension. "Now that that's over, let's just enjoy the food." 

I could tell everyone sensed my ignorance, but they obeyed. We chatted like we used to and ate our cold food. I couldn't be bothered to deal with this any longer. I wanted to push it all back down.

The CrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora