Kissing booth part two.

Start from the beginning

"Well, sir, I wish you the best of luck with that"

"Oh I have to go to practice right now" you suddenly remembered "can you still give me a ride afterwards?"

"Oh, I can't. I'm taking my parents to the airport. But loki can give you a ride."

You gave him a look of annoyance.

"Convince him to do the booth" Thor said as if it was the most obvious thing. "Your gonna have to ask him eventually".

(Sorry I can't find this part in the script and it's not on YouTube so the whole part where she tells him what to paint will have to be skipped sorry)

You had just told Thor what parts needed painting.

"Have I ever told you your bossy?" Thor said

"Yes. But I told you not to tell me that anymore"

"Ha ha your funny" Thor said in a sarcastic tone.

"I prefer to use the term witty"

"Huh, I'm more of a slapstick kinda guy myself" Thor said picking up the paintbrush and splatting paint on you making you gasp

"Sorry was that the wrong colour?" He asked with a huge grin

You two then broke out into a huge paint fight throwing random paintbrushes filled with colours at each other making you both covered in paint. Thor smeared paint all down your face making you scream.

"THOR. OH YOUR SO DEAD" you screamed at him as you began to Chuck the whole bucket of paint at him.

After your paint fight you began trying to find the girls locker room. You walked into a room which looked like the girls locker room and began turning on the tap to wash your face. It wasn't until you heard loads of ohhhh's and ooooo's that you looked up and realised you were standing in your bra with paint everywhere in the boys locker room.

You put your shirt over yourself in an attempt to cover yourself that's when loki looked up and noticed you.

"You need to leave" he said yanking your arm

""I told you before to stop messing around now put your shirt back on and get out" Loki said with his jaw clenched.

"I'll leave when I want to" you said not liking him bossing you around. " your not the boss of me loki"

Everyone screamed ooooooo as the yearbook guy screamed "year book" however decided to delete the picture when he saw how angry that made loki

"Come on y/n let's just go huh? I mean it!" Loki said
"Now put your shirt on and get out"  Loki said pointing towards the door.

What he said made sense and it meant he cared. But what came out of my mouth was. "I told you to stop telling me what to do" making everyone scream oooooooo again and you had to admit it felt good

Hmm watch this loki odinson you thought as you slowly removed your shirt from covering your bra. Everyone was cheering you on as loki stood there unhappy.

You dropped your shirt to the floor before running to the centre of the room and start dancing, everyone was still cheering you on. The whole time you made eye contact with loki who had his jaw clenched and was burning daggers into you

You ran over to the other side of the room doing a seductive walk over to loki bending down to pick your shirt up sticking your ass out and flicking your hair as you came back up in front of loki. He still has his jaw clenched but was now smirking. You brushed his arm as you began to walk out, he was now smiling and shaking his head at you.

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