Chapter 4: Head Pets and Bones; The Next Best Thing

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Should I buy her lunch? Would she like that? I am her mate, so I should, right? I can't wait to see her. She's so beautiful and kind. I love her so much. She's the best. I hope I'm not annoying her. She'd tell me, right?

"Mr. Smith," I hear my name called and I instantly turn to see my favorite student waving their arms trying to get my attention. Ah, who am I kidding? All my students are the best.

"What do you need, Samantha?" I can't help but smile at her. She's such a nice young girl. I don't know why Jennifer calls her a bitch.

"I can't play basketball today," she lets out a sigh.

"Why not?" I tilt my head to the side and look her over. She seems to be okay. Did she get hurt when I wasn't looking?

The junior sighs again, "I just got my nails done. If I play basketball, they're going to get ruined."

"Oh," I nod. "Okay. Can you run laps instead? This is gym class. You need to get some exercise."

"I would, but I'm on my period."

She's lying. I know it. I'm not an idiot, but I can't call her out on it. How would it look if I told her that I can smell it on her when she's actually going through that time of the month? It's creepy for a male teacher to say that to a young female student, even if it is true. Instead, I smile and let her go sit on the benches while the rest of the class continues to play basketball.

I love this game. Running around, chasing a ball, and trying to steal it from people. Normally, it takes everything in me not to join, but today, my mind is occupied with my mate.

Ah. My beautiful mate, Allison Black. I still can't believe my luck. I spent years hoping that I would eventually get paired with her. Not that I didn't like my other mates. They were great! But Allison...she's the best! She's so nice to me all the time. She's smart and funny. She's beautiful too.

I've been in love with her since the first time I saw her in kindergarten. I remember the day perfectly.

Her mom dropped her off and Allison was wearing this little pink dress. I think it's the only time I've ever seen her in pink. Her hair was pulled back in a braid and she had a backpack with a cat on it. She smelled like wind and birds. I loved it. She never said anything that day, even when people came up to talk to her. I was too nervous to try, but Derek and Kristen weren't. It took me weeks to finally say something to her. I brought her a flower I picked from the field on my way into school. I think she liked it. It was the first time she smiled. She has such a beautiful smile.

I asked her out a few times as we got older, but she turned me down. It's okay. She turned everyone down. She was the most sought-after girl all through high school and, now, thanks to that glorious hat, she's finally with me. I just need to make sure that I don't mess this up. I've got two years to get her to fall in love with me, so I'm going to do my best. I'm going to take everything that I've learned from my last two mates and use it to be the best mate ever.

I look up at the clock and smile. Only another ten minutes, then I get to see her.

"Okay, class, go change," I clap my hands together and watch my students wander off towards their various locker rooms. I see Mike playfully smack Jennifer's ass. Would Allison like it if I did that? Those two have been dating for a few weeks and Jennifer seems to respond to it well. At least her giggle says that she likes it. But, I believe that she's a wolf, like he is and I am. I don't know if birds like that kind of playfulness. All my experience dating and mating with birds tells me that they prefer a more serious relationship.

Maggie did anyway. She hated it when I goofed around. She also hated foreplay.

She was my last mate. Maggie Tanner. She's a raven when she shifts. She was great. Taught me all about what birds like. There are a few of their preferences I could do without, but as long as Allison is happy, then I'll keep doing them, even if I hate them. Like limited foreplay, lots of dirty talk, and awful pet names. I'm a teacher. I work with children all day. Why would I want to refer to my mate as "baby girl?" Maggie loved it though. She had a bit of a father complex. She'd call me her "daddy" and, to be completely honest, it was disturbing. I'm not her dad. I was supposed to be her lover. However, if I didn't call her "baby girl" at least a few times in bed or respond when she called me "daddy," we wouldn't have sex for weeks. I'd have to put her over my knee and spank her for being "naughty." Again, really uncomfortable. I'm more of a cuddler, not a sadist. At least Allison hasn't asked me to do that kind of thing and she's never once called me her father.

Yep, she's the best.

Finally, the bell rings and it's time for lunch. I sprint out the door. I have to walk in the hallways, but I do it fast. I weave between chatting students, following my nose to the beautiful scent of my mate mixed with the smell of lunch.

Awesome! They're having chili dogs today in the cafeteria! They're my favorite! They're the next best thing to head pets and bones!

The upper level is already empty when I get there, but I can still hear people talking. The door to Allison's room is open and my hackles instantly raise. Something's not right. I smell another wolf. The only wolves we have in the school, other than me, are students, but this one is an adult. Adults give off a stronger animal scent, if you're wondering. Children still smell mostly like humans.

"Mrs. Johnson, I know that you are upset, but I cannot change Liam's grade." Ah, Allison. Her voice is so beautiful. Focus, Jason. Your mate is in trouble. "If he is willing to do the work, then I will be happy to give him a new grade for the paper. But I will not pass a student who cheats. He will learn nothing other than the idea that it's okay to take credit for someone else's hard work. Is that the kind of lesson you want your son to learn?"

"Allison Black! I am telling you that my Liam would never cheat! It's all a misunderstanding and I demand you give him an A for this paper! He shouldn't have to rewrite a paper when you are the one at fault!"

"How am I the one at fault, Beverly?" I can hear that exhausted tone in my mate's voice. I growl. I can't help it. No one should be exhausting my beautiful Allison except for me. "I am not the one who cheated. I am just the one who caught him. If Liam wants to get away with using someone else's work, I suggest that you tell your son to not steal an award-winning essay from a student that I taught. If you are okay with your son's lack of morals, then perhaps you should teach him how to be dishonest without getting caught."

Beverly Johnson scoffs, "Now I see what my nephew was talking about. You are a heartless bitch. You are about to ruin my son's future and you don't seem to care! No wonder Derek didn't want you! I pity all the poor fools who end up with you as a mate, you cold, unfeeling bitch."

I snap. All my instincts are screaming at me to stand up for my mate. I run into the room snarling.

"Beverly Johnson," I growl, "I believe that Miss Black has offered you a solution for Liam's poor grade. If you don't like them, then I suggest that you leave. This kind of insulting behavior that you have shown will not be tolerated. You cannot come into this school and call my mate a 'heartless bitch.' Now, unless you want me to bring this matter to the attention of the principal and the chief, I suggest you leave."

"Jason, darling," Mrs. Johnson smiles sweetly. It makes her look like she's insane, "We really don't need to tell your grandfather about this, do we? That will just hurt my poor little Liam's future even more. He'll be training as a warrior soon. I don't want people to look down on him for a small misunderstanding."

"You should have thought of that before you came storming into the school and yelling at this wonderful teacher for doing her job." I glare at the disgusting old woman. "Now, are you going to apologize to Miss Black and leave peacefully? Or am I going to have to tell on you?"

Beverly makes a quick apology and flees the classroom. I turn to my mate with a smile. Lunchtime! She looks at me a little surprised. I worry for a moment that I did something wrong. Did I upset her? I was just trying to help.

Allison reaches her hand up and pats my head. "Thank you, Jason."

I'm in heaven. This is turning out to be the best day ever!

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