Chapter 14: Batting at Water and A Magic Mouth

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"What time do your parents want us to be at La Maria's?" I yell from the bathroom. I'm almost done getting ready. I think. I hope I look okay. I picked one of my nicer dresses. Not too conservative, but not too slutty. Gods know that I don't need to meet Jason's parents looking like a slut. They already know that I'm sleeping with their son. I don't need Jason to remind them of that fact all night.

Shit. Who am I kidding? His parents are going to be reminded of that every time they see Jason look at me. I swear, if he wasn't so damn good-looking, I'd be creeped out by the way he keeps staring at me. All day, no matter where I was, I felt his eyes on me. Then I'd look at him.

Gods! That face! He had this ridiculous smile plastered on it! I've never seen such a handsome man with such a stupid-looking grin before in my life. All teeth and a little tongue poking out. Just like the happy little dog that he is. It's almost adorable.

You didn't hear me say that.

No, of course you didn't. You're reading this. Unless our story becomes an audio book, I don't think that too many people are going to be reading this aloud to their children. Then again, who knows? Some people are weird. It'd make such a great bedtime story.

Yeah, if you want to give your kids nightmares!

"Six." Jason answers me from the bedroom. I know that he's been waiting on the bed for me the entire time. I heard him humming to himself earlier. Idiot. "Is that okay? I can call my mom and let her know if you need more time to get ready."

"No, that's fine." I try my best not to sigh too loudly.

"Great!" Jason responds. He starts to hum again. I honestly have no idea what song it is. I think he made it up. I heard him humming the same tune in the cafeteria at school once. Actually, now that I think about it, I think it's the same tune he was singing this morning in the shower.

"Allison is great. She is my mate. I'm so lucky to have her. She is the best. Better than the rest. I'm so happy to have her. I'm in the shower. I should buy her flowers. Tell her how great it is to have her!"

It's kind of catchy. Sweet. Stupid. But still kind of catchy. I can't say that I've ever had someone write a song about me before. It's kind of nice.

I don't think he knew that I heard him singing it. And I'm not going to tell him that I did. I don't want to embarrass him.

I adjust the straps on my little black dress. I finally decided to wear some of my new lingerie and I really don't want my lacy red bra showing under my dress. That would be awkward. I can just imagine how Jason would react if he noticed it. I don't know if we'd make it back home. Not if the look he's been giving me all day is any indication. I swear, one night of mind-blowing sex has him staring at me like I'm his new favorite toy.

Well, to be honest, after what I experienced last night, he's probably my new favorite toy. Why else do you think I'm wearing this lacy nonsense? He's so timid, I don't think he'll make a move on me again without me doing something to show him that it's okay. Hopefully, the lingerie is enough to get the ball rolling. I am not going to let the same thing happen this time that happened after that first kiss. Weeks of robotic sex and awkward touching will not be repeated.

After I add the finishing touches to my make-up, I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I look pretty hot.

"Wow," Jason stares at me with his mouth open as I step out of the bathroom, "You look beautiful Allison."

"Thanks." I tuck a stray hair behind my ear. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah!" He stands up and reaches for my hand.

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