Chapter 49: The Thing About Mothers and The Anatomy of Sex

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Hotel room booked... Check.

Park schedule checked... Check.

Picnic basket ready, minus the food, of course... Double check.

I smile and lean back on the couch. Everything is pretty much all set for Allison's surprise birthday weekend. I haven't packed the bags yet, but I'll do that tomorrow. I'm going to miss her, but I'm glad Tammy and Bethany were able to convince her to go out to lunch with them.

I've never met anyone who was as reluctant to dine out as Allison is. Maggie always jumped at the chance to eat at a restaurant. She used to get mad at me if I didn't take her on a date somewhere nice every weekend. With Allison, I almost have to beg her to go out on a date with me.

Not that I mind. As long as we're together, I don't care where we are. It's just nice to go with her somewhere other than work or the grocery store.

That's one of the reasons I'm so excited about what I have planned for her birthday next weekend! Not only do I get to surprise her, but, if things work out like I hope, we'll be going to lots of places together. It'll be like 5 dates in one! It'll be great!

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. If Allison sees me smiling about something while I'm doing nothing, she'll know something is up.

She's already suspicious that I'm planning something for her. I was so happy after I came up with the idea that I couldn't stop grinning like an idiot while we ate lunch. I tried to pass it off as just being happy that I got to spend the day with Tammy and Vincent, but I don't think she believed me. She kept looking at me with her head tilted to the side like she was trying to figure me out.

It was adorable!

I'm ashamed to admit that after that look, I might have given the students more ammo for them to gossip about.

We didn't have sex, if that's what you're thinking. We just made out for a while, so it wasn't that bad.

I mean, her hair was a little messy and her lip gloss was smeared, but that was it. I've seen students come to the gym looking more disheveled than she did.

Yeah, I know. We're teachers, so it's different and I get that. I know we're supposed to be role models and all that, but you didn't see how cute she looked! Big, curious eyes. Pursed lips with just the right amount of shine to make them look perfectly kissable. Soft, wavy hair that cascaded over her shoulder like a dark waterfall...

Okay, so maybe cute wasn't the right word. Sexy is probably better.

She looked sexy and I'm not good at resisting sexy Allison.

...Or angry Allison.

...Or beautiful Allison.

...Or cute Allison.

Damn it. I'm just not good at resisting Allison no matter how she looks.

Speaking of Allison, I can see her still pacing in the backyard with her cellphone to her ear. She's been talking with her mom for a while. It's weird. We've been together for almost a year and this is the longest they've ever talked. Most of the time when her mom calls, the conversation only lasts a few minutes. This one has gone on for nearly thirty. Hopefully, nothing is wrong.

I really don't understand their relationship. I love my mom. She's always there when I need her, giving me helpful advice and giving me hugs when I need them. She's always supported me in my decisions and still does. When I decided to become a teacher instead of a warrior, she never made me feel bad about it. Instead, she said she was proud of me. When I couldn't decide which subject to pursue, she helped me by listing the ups and downs of each. When I told her I wanted to take summer courses so I could complete multiple degrees instead of coming home, she said she'd miss me, but understood. And each time I brought a mate home with me, she always welcomed them in with a smile. Even when she didn't really like them.

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