Chapter 33: Fancy Cars and Webcams

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The party is still going on around us, but I'm stuck standing here with Maggie Tanner. I don't think things could be more awkward. She has this stupid grin on her face like she knows something that I don't and it's annoying the shit out of me. I'd ask her, but what's the point? Whatever misconceived notion she has swirling inside that head of hers probably isn't worth the time and, knowing her, she's going to tell me what it is anyways. She's always been horrible about keeping things to herself, especially when she thinks that whatever information she has can hurt you.

"How have you been, Maggie?" I try to make small talk, just to make my time with her a little more tolerable. Not that it's going to help.

"Good," she smiles. "Jeremiah has been great. He's so sweet. He let me drive his Lamborghini the other day and his house is just incredible. It's so big and everything inside is top of the line. I never would have thought I'd get so lucky to have a mate who owns his own home. Most people can't afford to buy or build, so they rent. I'm sure you understand. With the salary of teachers, you and Jason must be struggling to get by."

Really? "We're doing fine."

"Oh, that's good." Maggie smiles, "Still, if you ever find yourself in need of some extra money for clothes or whatever, I'm sure I could convince Jeremiah to help you out. We have such a great relationship. Plus, he's always so quick to help out a friend in need and it'd be a shame to see the teacher of our future children dressed in rags."

"You're pregnant?" I quirk my brow.

"Not yet, but we've been talking about our future together and I think it's a possibility soon."

"That's quick," I sigh.

"Yeah," she smiles again, "but why wait when you know you've found the right one?"

"That's great." Gods, either she's full of shit or Jeremiah is an idiot.

"So," she says after taking a sip from her plastic red cup, "How are things going with Jason? Are you sick of him yet?"

"Not at all," I force a smile. Where is he with our drinks? He probably got distracted talking to someone, but come on. "Things are great. He's been fantastic."

"Really? I didn't think you enjoyed having a mate." Her grin becomes a little more crooked, "Well, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. You've always liked keeping men at a distance, so having Jason as a mate is probably a relief to you."

"What do you mean?" I honestly have no idea what she's talking about. Jason is impossible to keep at a distance. He likes having constant company and, if I'm not around, he gets lonely. I know he does. I can see it in his eyes when I leave.

"Oh, you know. He's easy to train and, with that problem of his, I bet you've enjoyed many restful nights." Maggie continues smirking, "Unless, of course, he finally made use of the birthday present I got him last year. He was pretty insistent that he didn't need them, but I know better."

"Seriously, Maggie," I sigh. Of course, she's talking about sex. Why wouldn't she? That's all she ever wants to talk about. Maggie's two favorite topics: sex and how much better she is than everyone else. "Jason doesn't have a problem."

"Really?" The raven idiot purses her lips, but her eyes are dancing as she leans in to whisper in my ear, "You don't have to cover for him, Allison. I've been in your shoes and in his bed. I know how much trouble he has in that department. If you need some advice, I'll be more than happy to help. I know exactly what that man likes and the perfect way to slip him one of those little blue pills without him noticing."

I feel sick to my stomach as I take a step away from her. I can't believe it. She drugged him! She actually force-fed boner pills to Jason without his knowledge! I mean, I knew she was a bitch, but I didn't think she'd go that far to get laid! No one deserves to be drugged by their mate. I don't care if their sex life was the most boring thing in the world, you just don't do that. And if that birdbrained moron had two ounces of sense in that head of hers, she would have realized exactly what Jason's "problem" was. It wasn't a physical problem, it was her!

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