Chapter 38: Betrayed For A Promise of Cookies

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I dip behind the wall and hold my plastic weapon to my chest. It's armed and ready, I just need to wait a little while longer and my target will be in sight. A shadow runs passed the neon lights and I take aim.

"Watch it, son," my dad says, "It's just me. Have you seen them yet?"

"Nope," I answer.

"Don't worry," he smiles, "Vincent and the boys are drawing them out. They're supposed to be leading them this way, then, we strike!"

"What if they don't fall for it?" I frown, "Mom and Tammy are warriors. They're going to know something is up. And Allison is great at hiding."

My dad laughs, "Yeah, but those boys will figure something out."

I grin and nod. I'm sure dad's right. With my nephews acting as bait, there's no way mom and Tammy will be able to ignore whatever they're doing. The only one we need to worry about is Allison. She's smart and she won't fall for Vincent, Kyle, or Keith's tricks. I'm sure she won't. But once we get mom and Tammy, I can find her. I know I can. I can smell her out from anywhere.

Well, most of the time I can. It might be a little more difficult to do that today.

Normally, I can sniff out that windy bird smell she always carries, but I haven't been able to smell it as strongly since we left the waterpark. I know she showered afterwards. We all did. But everything still smells like chlorine. I hate that smell. It burns my nose and dulls my sense of smell. Plus, I can't get rid of the smell for hours. Everything just smells like chlorine until it finally fades. It's awful.

I'm not complaining. This morning was great! I woke up with Allison still curled up next to me and we ordered more room service for breakfast, then we ate it in bed. Naked. It was the best! When a bit of runny yolk dripped on Allison's chest, she let me lick it off! I've always wanted to do that.

That's not creepy, is it?

No. We're dating now! I'm her boyfriend and it's normal to do that kind of thing, right? Why else would people bother with strawberries and whipped cream in the bedroom if they don't plan on licking it off their partner?

I wonder if I could get the hotel to deliver those to the room tonight. I bet Allison would like it. I know she likes strawberries and she didn't seem to mind when I licked her. She actually seemed turned on by it. I know I was. Almost as much as I was when she ate a banana this morning. After last night, I don't think I'll ever be able to watch Allison eat one again. I don't think I can handle her eating hot dogs, ice pops, or ice cream cones either. Maybe I just shouldn't watch her eat. That's probably the best idea. Just keep my eyes on my own food and ignore her until the meal is done. Yep! That's what I'll do. Then I won't get in trouble for staring and I won't be tempted to pounce on her.

So, yeah! The morning was great!

I think everyone really had fun at the waterpark. I know I did. I got to go down a bunch of waterslides with my nephews. My dad and I had a biggest splash contest. My mom and Allison judged it and, according to them, I won. Then, Allison and I played chicken with Tammy and Vincent. My sister and brother-in-law won that one. It was pretty clear from the start that we didn't stand a chance against them. I mean, it's not exactly a fair fight when you put two high school teachers against two of the tribe's best warriors. Still, we gave it our all and had a blast!

I did think it was odd when Vincent asked me if I was disappointed in Allison's swimsuit, though. She was wearing a very sexy single piece blue suit with these holes cut out on the sides. I think he thought I was expecting her to wear a bikini, but, honestly, I'm glad she didn't.

Don't get me wrong. I would love to see Allison in a bikini. Just not here. It may be the off-season, but there are still a lot of families here, as well as a few groups of the local teenagers. I had to stop myself from growling at a few of the boys as it was. They kept staring at Allison. I know they're just kids and I can't go growling at everyone who looks at my girlfriend. It's only natural that people look at her. She's the most beautiful woman in the world, but that doesn't mean I have to like it when they do. If she had been wearing a bikini, I'm pretty sure I would have gotten too possessive and actually growled. I don't think she would have liked that.

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