Chapter 31: Dirty Dancing and The Perfect Night

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This is amazing! I've never had anyone do anything like this for me before! Allison is so thoughtful! Neither of my previous mates would have planned a surprise for me, not even for my birthday. Actually, Kristen forgot what day it was and Maggie used it as an excuse for us to go to some fancy restaurant where she ignored me and took a bunch of selfies the whole time. Though, there was the one year she bought me boner pills. That was awful.

But it's not even my birthday and Allison planned a second dance, just so I wouldn't be disappointed that we didn't get to spend any time together. She even put on her old dress because I told her how much I wanted to take her to the homecoming dance in high school! How great is that?

I know I've said before how perfect I think she is, but I really mean it. She is the best mate a man could ask for. I don't know what Jeremy and Derek were thinking when they told me I was going to regret getting paired with her. I am the luckiest person alive.

"Damn it! You guys started the fun without us!" Bethany saunters into the room with her husband, Thomas. It looks like she changed too. Her outfit is tight and glittery. Much less fitting for an on-duty teacher and more appropriate for a nightclub. She looks nice. Thomas seems to like it. Bethany keeps moving his hand back to her waist instead of her ass, where it seems to keep falling, and I notice that his eyes are glued to her chest.

"Sorry," Allison smiles, "We were hungry. There's plenty of food though, so help yourselves. Is anyone else coming up?"

"I think Mr. Franklin and his wife are," Bethany answers, "And I overheard a few of the others mention joining as soon as they found sitters so their spouses could join. This really was a great idea, Allison. It's too bad no one thought of doing it sooner! So, where's the beer? I could use a drink."

Allison chuckles and shakes her head. She gets up to help Bethany sort through the drinks until they find what they're looking for. I'm actually a little surprised that Allison bought any alcohol since it's being held at the school. Maybe next year, we can do it at our place instead of in a classroom. I think that would be fun. It could be a new tradition! Post-dance party with Jason and Allison!

Yeah... I like the sound of that.

Though, it might be nice if it's just the two of us instead. I like my co-workers, but I don't love sharing Allison. She's mine.

Allison greets everyone as they enter and points them to the food before rejoining me. I wait as patiently as I can while she finishes eating, but between how beautiful she looks and the music playing in the background, I can barely contain myself. My leg is bouncing like crazy and I keep running my hands anxiously over my slacks.

"Are you okay?" Allison asks, her big blue eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine," I try to reassure her, but she doesn't look convinced. Suddenly, I'm sweating. I don't know if it's because of my nerves or the number of people now crowding in the small room, but I swear that the temperature must have raised ten degrees in a matter of seconds.

Allison's eyebrow arches and she chuckles, popping the last bite of her food into her mouth.

"Come on," she says as she stands, holding out her hand to me, "Let's dance."

"Great!" I jump up and lead her to an open space where I'll have plenty of room to show her sweet dance moves.

I know I mentioned doing the robot with Claire and doing ridiculous dance moves to draw the students out on the dance floor, but I should let you know that I can actually dance. When I was a kid, I used to dance with my sister while we watched music videos, imitating the moves we saw. And part of my degree for physical education required a lot of courses in different athletics. Since I was already familiar with most sports, I decided to take a few courses on different dance styles. I learned ballroom, swing, and ballet. I wasn't very good at ballet, but I aced the other two! So, I'm excited to show Allison what I can really do.

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