Chapter 8: A Buttery Crisis and A Goodnight Kiss

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Wow. Just Wow.

Allison slips out of my arms and returns to her seat. I feel a little disappointed, but wow. Not only do I have the most attractive woman in the world eating with me, but that kiss...I never thought in a million years that I would get this lucky. She's incredible.

I wonder if she noticed all the stares she's been getting all night. Every eye has been on her. I don't blame the other men in the restaurant. She's gorgeous. The dress, the hair, everything about her is perfect, but I've had to keep my wolf under control almost the entire time we've been here. I want to growl. I don't think that she'd like it if I growled.

I hope she didn't notice when I let one slip earlier. I couldn't help it. Some jerk was staring at her with darkened eyes. I could smell him getting turned on. But she's mine. He had his own date. He should have been paying attention to her. Seriously, it's rude to ignore a beautiful woman you're dining with in favor of another. If my sister and Bethany taught me anything, it was to be a gentleman while on a date. Staring at someone else while you are out with a gorgeous woman is grounds for them to never speak to you again.

They were very specific on that while I was growing up. According to them, shifters of all forms forget the basics of how relationships work. We are too interested in sex that all manners go out the window the moment we are alone with someone we like. Before I asked Allison out in High School, I remember Tammy telling me that if I was lucky, which I wasn't, and she said yes, which she didn't, then I should let Allison take the lead. Never assume that she wanted the same thing that I did and don't make the same mistake as Johnny.

I still cringe when I think about that. The poor guy had a bandage wrapped around his dick for a week. Owl talons are nothing to joke about. I don't know how he managed to piss her off. But I'm going to do my best not to make the same mistake as he did. I will keep my dick in my pants unless she wants it.

Ah, but that kiss. I want more of that.

"Sorry," Allison quietly whispers as she wipes at her smeared lipstick.

Why is she sorry? Oh god! Does she think that I didn't like it? Should I tell her that it was great? Would that be too forward? No. Calm down. She probably just worried because we're in public. That's all. Though, I wouldn't mind if she had that kind of passion in private. I love her, but sometimes it feels like I'm kissing a fish. A very sexy fish, but still a fish. Damn it, Jason. Say something! She's just looking at you. Don't blow this!

"There's nothing to be sorry for," I straighten up and focus on eating the rest of my meal. I can barely look at her. She's so beautiful. God, I'm the luckiest man in the world.

We finish our meal in silence and I pay the bill. The server looks disappointed. I don't know why. Does she have a thing for Allison too? I noticed that her shirt is a little more open than it was when we got here. Too bad for her that Allison is with me. She'll just have to find someone else to spend her evenings with. Allison is mine. All mine. I'm so lucky.

We make our way to the nearest movie theater and Allison picks out which one she wants to see. I'm pleasantly surprised that she went with a horror film. I thought for sure she'd pick a romantic comedy. All the other women I've dated before liked that kind of thing. I didn't have a problem with them, but I'm not really into watching romances, even if they are supposed to be funny. I don't get the humor.

Now comes the question of snacks. Should I pick up popcorn and sodas? I mean, we just ate, but we might get hungry again before the movie's done. If I get drinks, there's a chance that I'll have to pee in the middle of the movie and miss something important. But if I get popcorn, then I have to get drinks. Then there's the question of who gets to hold the popcorn bucket. If I do, then Allison will have to reach over all the time, but if she does, I might miss the bucket and start unintentionally groping her in the dark while trying to find the snacks! Do I just buy each of us a small bag so we're not sharing? What if the smaller bags are too small? What if she finishes hers first? Do I offer her mine? Should I just buy us both the biggest buckets of popcorn they have and hope for the best?

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