Chapter 47: A Lack of Common Scents

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Warning: Mature Content ahead

Shit! Shit! Shit! What do I do now?

I always knew he was holding himself back for me, but I always assumed that when the switch flipped, I'd be dealing with more of the usual canine antics that I have been. Things like being dragged around the park while he chased birds or having him want me to play catch with him. You know, the kinds of things you see people doing with their family dogs.

However, judging by the look he's giving me, it's not balls that he wants to catch and the only bird he's interested in chasing is me. It's a harsh reminder that he's not a Labrador like I often think he is. He's a wolf. An alpha wolf at that. Everyone knows that alpha wolves are wild, territorial beasts who take what they want. One could easily devour me if they wanted to. And, from the way Jason is looking at me, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he wants to do. The thought is as terrifying as it is incredibly sexy.

"Jason," I hold out my hands, slowly backing away. "Just take a deep breath and think. I know you're following your instincts, but let's not do anything rash, okay? I don't want you to wake up tomorrow and regret what you did tonight."

My words don't seem to sink into Jason. His hungry stare doesn't change, neither does his gait. He continues to stalk me like I'm his prey and a shiver runs down my spine.

I stumble over an invisible lump in the carpet and my back hits the wall. Before I have a chance to recover, Jason is on me. As he leans in, I see his brown eyes flicker to the blue of his wolf. His natural scent, a mix of wild dog, petrichor, and earth, is almost suffocating which means only one thing. He's partially shifted, allowing his animal instincts to take the lead. I'm losing the human to the animal inside.

I don't have a chance to say anything before he moves in closer, his body pinning me to the wall, and his mouth on mine. His kiss is filled with a hunger that I've never felt from him before. I thought the animalistic passion we shared after we shifted was intense, but this puts that to shame. I guess I really had no idea how much he's been holding back for me.

Soon, his lips, tongue, and teeth move, kissing, licking, and scraping their way down my jaw and onto my neck. His hands travel the curves of my body, stopping once they find the hem of my shirt. He pulls away, just far and long enough to slip my shirt over my head before continuing his assault.

"Oh, Jason..." I moan as his fingers tease my nipple, suddenly very grateful that I removed my bra when I got home. In his current state, I don't think it would have survived and that would have sucked. It's one of my favorites.

I don't know whether it's my moaning or what, but the little grasp Jason seems to have on the beast within wavers. With his face buried in the crook of my neck, he growls and whispers a single word.


Fuck! The feeling of his teeth clamping down on my skin is enough to snap me out of the sex-fueled stupor I was sliding into. This can't happen!

"Jason! No!" I shout.

He pulls away and stares at me. It almost looks like my Jason is coming back to me, but he's not. I know that. No matter how much he thinks about what to do next, he won't come back to me until he's satisfied whatever animalistic desire he's been suppressing for me. The best I can hope for at this point is that whatever it is that he wants won't leave a permanent scar.

I have a feeling I know what Jason wants. If he was being honest about wanting me as his mate for as long as he said he has, then it's not hard to figure out what his wolf side is driving him to do. It will want to mate and mark me. And, yes, I am talking about the same kind of mating and marking you see in all those werewolf novels. A night of rough, hot sex culminating with a bloody bite where my neck meets my shoulder.

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