Chapter 6: No Hard Feelings

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The Autobots stood in silence as they looked at Orion Eclipse before the ex-Decepticon and Autobot medic, Knockout steps in to offer a suggestion. "If I could make the suggestion, Ultra Magnus, sir: why don't we perform the Cortical Psychic Patch for us to know for sure that the young bot is indeed an amnesiac?" The Autobots looked at Knockout and their leader asked him, "Are you sure?" Knockout nodded, "Yes, I'm sure. I'll be the one to go inside the lonely not-so Decepticon's head to ask him some questions." He told Ultra Magnus.

Orion Eclipse was surprised by what the red Autobot medic said. Is he going to enter inside his head?! The Autobots agreed to Knockout's idea of performing the Cortical Psychic Patch and find out if what Orion Eclipse said about his memory loss is true.

So they take their prisoner to the laboratory and they prepare to perform the Cortical Psychic Patch on both Orion and Knockout. Bumblebee takes Orion Eclipse to his operating table and he can tell by the look on his face that he is very anxious about having someone enter inside his head.

"It's okay. You'll be alright, I promise." Bumblebee said to Orion.

"How so?! If I didn't know any better, you Autobots are trying to get inside my head just to invade my thoughts!" Orion Eclipse exclaimed.

"Knockout just wants to know if you're telling the truth. That you are an amnesiac and that you're not a threat." Bumblebee said.

"I AM telling the truth! I am not a threat! I don't know what a Cortical Psychic Patch is, but I hope that you're not planning to mess with my head." Orion said in both anger and anxiety.

"Don't worry. Knockout will only ask you a few questions and then this will be over soon." Bumblebee promised.

Orion Eclipse sighed in frustration and anxiety before he laid down on his operating table and allowed the Autobots to begin the Cortical Psychic Patch and have Knockout enter inside Orion's subconscious. The young Cybertronian and the medic went into a deep sleep before Knockout entered into Orion Eclipse's subconscious.

To his surprise, Knockout could see that Orion's mind was set on inside a dark cave in the mountains of Idaho on Earth. He figured that this was where the young Decepticon loner spends most of his days in his own life of solitude.

"Helloooo. Anybody here?" Knockout called sarcastically.

"Leave me alone!" Orion Eclipse replied.

Knockout looked around the cave until he could see Orion Eclipse feeling sad, scared, defensive, and miserable. Knockout did his best to try and talk to the young bot peacefully as he raised his hands to let him know that he's harmless. "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you, we're not gonna mess with your sanity, we just want answers." Knockout said peacefully. "What do you wanna know other than how THIS thing on my chest is the symbol of these Decepticons you robots keep yammering on about?" Orion Eclipse said as he pointed at the Decepticon insignia on his chest.

Knockout sighed before he told Orion, "Look kid, I know you're upset. Trust me, I know how it feels like to be a prisoner of the Autobots. But the thing is, that Decepticon insignia does not define who you are, it only shows what you are."

Orion Eclipse looked at Knockout before he asked, "Alright, then what am I exactly?" Knockout replied, "Well, Hot Rod said that you don't behave like a Decepticon and you are a Cybertronian just like me and any other bot who was born and made on Cybertron. Cybertron is our homeworld, our planet, and Primus is our life-giver. He's basically a god." He told Orion. "Why are you inside my head?" The young bot asked the medic.

"I'm a doctor and you are the patient. I went inside your head only to know for sure if you are an amnesiac and that you've been wandering around the Earth for so long that you're in dire need of answers and medical care. So tell me, Orion: Do you remember having a family? Where you live and how you lost your memories?" Knockout asked Orion as if he were his patient.

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