Chapter 21: Family Reunion

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He wondered just how many megacycles he had been flying. It felt as though it had been many. FAR too many to keep track of. And yet Orion, despite this extensive search, did not relent. With the threat Doomsayer presented, he had no choice but to follow through on what other Autobots considered a crazy idea. But it was agreed on, in the end, because of the immensity of their danger.

And here he was, searching for the one being in all the universe Doomsayer, or any other Decepticons, either feared, respected or both: and the one who initially kept the former at bay with his mere existence. But since they had disappeared, and the Decepticons had initially died out, that fear induced by their mere presence began to die out. And it was around later, stellar cycles later, that Doomsayer became an active threat. One who made this search necessary. Though given how long he'd been at it, it seemed as though the scanner given to him by Ratchet to search for the subject's key energy signature would never find him. Orion sighed in defeat as he thought aloud, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all. If he actually wanted to be found, then surely there would be news. Or he'd come out of exile to-"


The sensor for Cybertronian life signals and the Cybertronian HE was after, suddenly sprung to life. Where there was an absence of hope, now Orion Eclipse let that very same feeling shine in his optics. "Finally! Thank Primus!", he joyously exclaimed as he followed the signal to its source. "I knew he was still alive, somewhere. Now we have a real chance." Another half-hour later, and he followed the signal to a destination he had never expected to see in his lifetime. There, before him, was a massive craft that, to the untrained eye, appeared to merely be shaped like an arrowhead symbol.

But Orion Eclipse had learned of these and knew what it was based on the fact that the whole thing, thanks to his ship's sensor readings displaying its image.......was a massive Decepticon sigil floating in space. Despite the potentially egotistical nature of its existence, this vessel was meant to be one of many that would strike fear in the hearts of both their Autobot enemies - and the native lifeforms of the planets these ships invaded for the potential "Phase Sixer" protocol for Decepticon invasion, and cyberforming of other worlds. These D-class ships, P-6 models known as "symbol ships", would be part of an armada of destructive ships that would literally sweep away any remaining pockets of resistance, or simply any other forms of life on the world below. During his time with the Autobots, the rumored power of these ships as their production was in the planning stages made it to Orion's attention. Eventually, this led to him looking through their archives to gain all the knowledge he now has on this craft. That's how he knew the name of these massive, imposing, and devastating warships.

"A World-Sweeper." He said in a hushed tone, finding himself intimidated by the sheer scale, and size of the ship.

Truthfully, he considered the notion that the World Sweepers had never been completed due to The Exodus of Cybertron 4 million stellar cycles ago. That was naivete' at work. He at least should have considered the possibility that remnant Decepticons may have completed a few of them in the wake of the continuing war: or their leaders commissioned the completion of a few in the event Optimus Prime and his Autobots forces finally fell. After all, if the opposition lost its greatest leadership, then even a few of these ships would be enough to begin the expansion of the Decepticon Empire. Not that it mattered, anyway, considering the cons had been disbanded stellar cycles least until Doomsayer returned. So Orion pegged this as either one of the possible reasons for it existing since there was no definitive answer because he wasn't exactly in the know about projects like these.

With that out of his mind, Orion began another check over the lifeform scanner. And to his surprise, he was registering only one life sign. "This isn't right: there should be hundreds, if not thousands, of cons on that ship." he thought aloud. But then, when he gave it some thought, he mentally shuddered at the only other conclusion. "Guess they didn't get the memo about the war's end and weren't happy to get it straight from the cyber-fox's mouth. Though given who I'm looking for, maybe I shouldn't be surprised if he wiped them all out, and only a few got out." He sighed with a feeling of tribulation. "I only hope things don't end up like they probably did for the cons aboard that sweeper." Now fully registering this was a derelict ship, Orion sent his craft towards where the hanger bay most likely was. And was again surprised by any lack of defense, or resistance from automated systems, and shielding. "Is the whole ship dead?" he asked himself in bewilderment before heavily sighing, "Scrap", before going ahead, and entering the hanger bay.

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