Chapter 44: Till All Are One

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Ultra Magnus lay in his berth, his wounds healing at an alarming rate. Ratchet, the medic, had done an excellent job of repairing his damaged chassis. Ultra Magnus opened his optics and looked around. He saw Orion Eclipse and Altair Comet holding hands and smiling at each other.

"Ah, Orion, Altair. It's good to see you both. I'm glad that I'm alive to witness your union," Ultra Magnus said, his voice weak.

Orion Eclipse and Altair Comet looked at each other and smiled. "Thank you, Ultra Magnus. We wouldn't have made it here without your help," Orion Eclipse said.

Altair Comet nodded in agreement. "Yes, Ultra Magnus. You were instrumental in our victory over Unicron and Galvatron," she said.

Ultra Magnus smiled weakly. "I'm just glad that I could be of service," he said.

As Ultra Magnus continued to recover, Bumblebee, now renamed Hivemus Prime, was busy at work. He was fulfilling his duties as the new Prime, and the Autobots and Decepticons were finally united under his leadership.

Optimus Prime, now preparing to leave the living world to return to the Allspark itself, spent his final hours with his friends and family. He knew that his time was coming to an end, and he wanted to make the most of it. He sat down with Orion Eclipse, Altair Comet, Bumblebee, and Megatron, and made his speech to them.

"I want to thank you all for being my friends, my family, and my comrades in arms. I couldn't have achieved all that I did without your help. I know that my time is up, and I must return to the Allspark. But I promise you that I will return again someday. Until then, I entrust the future of Cybertron to all of you," Optimus Prime said.

Megatron, who had become a brother figure to Optimus Prime once again, said farewell to his friend. "Goodbye, Optimus. You were a worthy opponent, a great leader, and a true friend," he said.

"Till All Are One," Optimus Prime said to Megatron.

Orion Eclipse promised to take care of Optimus Prime's daughter and be a great leader for the Autobots and Decepticons. With that, Optimus Prime returned to the Allspark, leaving behind a legacy of peace and unity.

Megatron, now finally free from Unicron's Anti-Spark and his control forever, decided to return to Earth with Firestar/Novastar and live a happy life there. Orion Eclipse and Altair Comet, now married, fulfilled their destiny of unifying the Autobots and Decepticons. They knew that the future of Cybertron was in good hands.


The warm summer night enveloped the group of friends gathered on Megatron's newly purchased land in Oregon. They had named it "The Terrestrial Valley." Anthony Carter and his companions had come to visit and were in awe of the beauty of the place.

Megatron, proud of his new acquisition, acknowledged Anthony's compliment. "Thank you, Anthony. It's important for us to find a peaceful place to live."

As they chatted and enjoyed the evening, shooting stars suddenly streaked across the sky, drawing their attention.

Altair was mesmerized. "Look! Shooting stars! It's so beautiful!"

Orion Eclipse added, "Yes, it is. It's a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the wonders it holds."

The sound of engines approaching interrupted their reverie. It was the Autobots - Smokescreen, Bumblebee/Hivemus Prime, Hot Rod, Ironhide, and others. They had heard about the party and couldn't resist coming to visit.

"We heard you were throwing a party, Megatron. We couldn't resist coming to visit," Smokescreen announced.

Bumblebee/Hivemus Prime was happy to see his old friends. "It's good to see you all again. How's life on Earth treating you?"

Megatron was pleased to report, "It's been peaceful. We've managed to build a new life here with the help of our human allies."

Ironhide chimed in, "That's good to hear. You know, we've been keeping the galaxy safe in your absence."

Hot Rod added, "Yeah, we've taken down some pretty big threats. But we couldn't have done it without you."

As the night drew on, it was clear that the bond between humans and Autobots, as well as the newfound friendship between Megatron and Orion Eclipse, had created a lasting peace. The shooting stars continued to decorate the sky like twinkling fairy lights, a symbol of the hope and wonder that the future held.

The news of the changes in the leadership of the Autobots and Decepticons spread quickly. Altair Comet and Orion Eclipse had succeeded their parents, and the future looked bright for both factions.

Hot Rod and his partner, Springer, were promoted to high-ranking Autobots, earning the respect of their peers. They both knew that their new positions came with great responsibility.

Smokescreen and Moonracer, the sparkmates, were expecting a child, which brought joy to their lives, and they were excited to start a family together.

Wheeljack and Ratchet had a surprise engagement that took everyone by surprise. The two were ecstatic, and their love for each other was evident to all.

Megatron and Firestar/Novastar had been helped by the Constructicons to build a house for themselves. They were grateful for the support and looked forward to their new life together.

Elita-One was happy for her daughter and son-in-law, and she knew that their love for each other would keep them strong through all the challenges ahead.

"It's great to see that everything is falling into place," Altair Comet said, smiling at her sparkmate, Orion Eclipse.

Orion Eclipse nodded. "Yes, it's good to see everyone happy and working together towards a common goal."

Hot Rod looked at Springer, feeling a newfound sense of responsibility. "We have a lot of work to do, but I know we can handle it together."

Moonracer rubbed Smokescreen's lower part of his tank, feeling the spark within. "I can't wait to meet our little one."

Wheeljack and Ratchet exchanged a loving glance, knowing that they would be together forever.

Megatron and Firestar/Novastar stood together, looking at the home they had built. "We couldn't have done it without the Constructicons," he said, grateful for their help.

Elita-One smiled at her family, feeling proud of them all. "I know that with all of you working together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way."

The scene opens on Knock Out and Breakdown standing in Arcee's quarters, looking at her expectantly.

"I have something to tell you both," Arcee begins, sitting down on her berth. "It's about the baby."

Both mechs lean in, intrigued. "What baby?" Breakdown asks.

"My twins," Arcee replies, smiling. "They're yours, Knock Out."

"You're pregnant with my sparklings?!" Knock Out cries, elated. "That's incredible! Wait, OUR sparklings?"

Arcee nods, eyes sparkling. "Yes. I know this isn't how we thought things would turn out, but I couldn't be happier about it."

Breakdown, who has been quiet up until this point, speaks up. "I know it might sound weird to outsiders, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you both, and I love the idea of raising a family together."

Knock Out takes Arcee's hand. "We'll make it work. We'll make sure these sparklings have everything they need."

Arcee smiles, the weight of the world lifting off her shoulders. "Thank you. I couldn't do this without you both."

The three of them sit in companionable silence for a moment before the sound of a tiny whirring engine fills the room.

"We'll make great parents," Breakdown says, as he lifts his arm up, and a tiny sparkly floats out of it.

The three break out in cheerful laughter knowing that despite the challenges they will be embarking upon for the sake of Knock Out's twins, at least they have each other.

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