t w e n t y - s i x

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Seven's POV


Just like clockwork, I wake up sensing the caravan coming to a stop. It's a damn superpower I swear.

I stand up, and stretch my paws out in front of me. My bones make a hideous noise as that crack and pop into place, though despite the horrid noise coming from my creaking body it leaves me satisfied.

Carl hops out of the truck I was riding in the back of. Was he always in that truck? I blink at the sort of adult-like kid as he just continues onto the front of the caravan towards his dad. I then narrow my eyes at the back of his head while he trudges towards the front. Hmm.. whatever.

I peak out on the opposite side of the truck bed seeing Daryl already having propped his bike up. He's already looking back here, waiting for me and I'm quick to catch up.

Jumping out of the back of the truck bed, I bend my legs to cushion the impact of the jump. Over the winter it's been difficult, but it actually allowed for my ribs to fully heal. At least I think they're fully healed. If they were still damaged that simple jump from the bed of a truck would've probably hurt.

I head over to Daryl with a small wag of my tail. Don't judge me, he's my person. Once I reach him I nudge his side in my usual form of a greeting. He scratches the back of my ear with his calloused and cut hands, not that I minded one bit.

"Fifteen, you're on point." I hear Rick whisper to Carl from where I stand.

Despite their parents differences I'm glad for the kid. He's been able to contribute more to the group and has been getting tasked with more "adult-like" things, like right now, keeping watch while we figure out what tha' hell we're tryna do. Not to mention the kid has become one hell of a shot, just like his dad.

The group all meets up at the hood of the mom van, which is was I deemed I will now call it. Glenn and Maggie lay out a map of what I assume is Georgia onto the hood, while they begin to make plans, "We've got no place left to go." T-Dog points out right away.

If I'm being completely honest.. I don't fully understand maps and where all these herds are but I can gather at least some information about the game plan for what we're gonna do next.

"When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." See? I sorta understood that.. just not what tha' hell direction is south..

Daryl moves forward finding his place around the hood. Through the winter he and I have become a lot more friendly than what we were before. That sounds like i'm insinuating something completely different and much more sick..

I mean.. we've become more comfortable and less brash. I'm looking more at Daryl when I say this because honestly, if he continued to be the way he was before; cold, rude, short-tempered, and ready to fight anyone, I'd be right beside him doing the same. He's changed.. I mean all of us have to an extent but- it's especially more noticeable with him. It might have something to do with the fact that I've spent nearly my entire life with him, but I like this change.

He's more open to things and isn't as quick to snap like he normally was. Of course he's still Daryl. He's just.. different.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now