Author's Note

1K 95 7

Hey guys!

Thanks for sticking with this story for this long. It's my actual first time writing a real short story with an actual happy ending, and the support I've received from you guys was amazing.

I may or may not turn this into a full blown novel, considering the many things I wanted to explore but felt lazy to. Sue me for being a lazy bum.

Anyways, 15,000 words down the line and you all still stuck with me! Congrats to you guys!

As for what's next, I honestly think that I'm gonna continue the story of Leon and Nathan. Maybe even Cece and Yvonne, I'll see what I can do.

Anyways, again thank you so much for sticking by their story and for being an amazing bunch of readers! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Whether it's for me or for the characters, I'm always there to answer.

Till next time,


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