Chapter 55

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They have been here for two days and it was absolutely fun, Issac was busy helping to build Ramona and the kids's house while Catherine was ordered not to do anything. She kid you not, that was what Issac asked her to do.
Her poor mate was worried beyond belief so she did what he had asked.
Right now she was sitting with all the kids in the playroom.
Everyone was watching, The Princess and the Frog.
She laughed when small Tiana screamed when she saw the frog, but then winced when the baby started to kick.
"Why is your tummy round Mam?" Sonny asked. He sat by her feet, he has been very attached to her and Issac and honestly she already had a soft spot for him.
"Because there is a baby inside of me, feel here. It's kicking." She took his tiny hand and placed it where the little Bud was kicking. Sonny's eyes grew wide and he giggled, placing his other hand on her as well, but then his smile turned sad.
"Will it be oky?"

Sonny was scared for Mam's baby that she says she has in her belly. Mona braught in many babies, but the scary men would take them away and most of the times the baby never comes back and Mona would cry. What if that happens to Mam's baby?
That would make Mam and Pap sad. He didn't want to see them sad and he didn't want the baby being taken away like some of the babies he saw. Mona never told him were they went, but he knew it was bad.

Her heart broke when she saw that Sonny was crying. "Oh my Chipmunk." She cooed. She picked him up and places his head on her stomach. He held onto she stomach and she played with his hair. It seemed to calm him down.
"The baby is going to be fine, I promise." Sonny whimpered and snuggled closer, eventually falling asleep on her.
"Oh Sonny."
The thaught of leaving Sonny to go home broke her heart. Would they be able to?

The sun went down and that was when Issac got home with the rest of the men. Issac found her in the living room with Sonny snuggled next to her as they laugh at a movie they were watching.
"What are you guys watching?"
Sonny rushed to his side and he picked him up. He went over and kissed his mate who held onto his shirt to keep the kiss longer than he intended.
"We are watching Moana." She lowly said and kissed him again.
"Mmm." Issac growled, loving his mate's lips on his.
"No PDA please! That's my baby sister there and there are kids present!" Xavier barged in with little Claude on his hip, pretending to gag at their display of affection.
"Sorry Xavi." Catherine said and laughed, knowing she wasn't sorry at all.
Suddenly Claude sneezed. There was a ball of fire like an explosion and Catherine stared in awe.
Claude literally shifted into his Phoenix form while sneezing. Also leaving her brother without a shirt.
"Claude." Xavier groaned as Claude sat on his shoulder.
It was absolutely adorable!
Seeing a baby phoenix sitting on her brother's shoulder, it's to cute for words.
Claude bumped his beak against Xavier's cheek and she swear she would have died of cuteness.
At that moment Odette came running in her fox form. Her once white coat was now brown with mud and she rubbed herself against Xavier's pants.
"Oi, didn't I just bathe you Odi? How did you even get out?"
She yapped and squeed, Xavier really has his hands full with them. From what she has seen, they really liked to be in their animal form.
She hoped his future mate loves those kids as much as he does.
"Dinner is ready!" Her mother called and all the kids rushed out to see who would get to the food first. Issac helped Catherine up from the couch.
"Let's go Flower."

Dinner went by quickly and soon all the kids were in their beds. Catherine made sure to read Sonny a bedtime story.
The night breeze blew through the window and it made her look outside.
The night was truly beautiful for Catherine. "Let's go for a walk up the hill." The place where their relationship turned.
"I don't know if it's a good idea Flower." She pouted, "Please, the night is still young and the view will look so pretty from up there." She gave her best puppy eyes, Issac's frown disappeared when he gave in.
"Alright Flower." She squealed and peppered kisses all over his face, making Issac chuckle at her actions.
"Let's go!"

Catherine could only go half way, luckily Issac carried her the other half and they soon reached the top of the hill.
They sat near the edge, Catherine sat between Issac's legs with Issac's hands caressing her stomach. They were both basking in the moon's presence.
"Was it worth it?" She whispered as they stared at the moon. "It was." He kissed her mark and she shivered.
"When our baby is born, we must show them this view."
"We should."
Then the baby kicked really hard and then it was wet between her legs.
Issac was in front of her in second with worry etched over his face.
"Issac.." She winced again.
"I think the baby is comming." She winced when the second contraction hits.
"What now, right now?"
Catherine growled, "Yes now, aaahhhhhhrg!"
Issac went to pick her up but she yelled in pain.
"Issac, I don't think we'll make it to the house."

Issac stared at his mate, fear overtook him. What should he do?
"Seems you need help Issac."
He looked behind him, he knew that voice.


Baby Snyder is on the way!!
{Snyder is Issac's surname}

Next chapter will reveal Lucius story, I can only imagine everyone wants to know.

Baby Claude in his Phoenix form.

Baby Claude in his Phoenix form

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