Chapter 33

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Her nerves are killing her. Anika tried to calm her down, it didn't help at all.
A knock came from the door and she swinged it open to hug her mate as if her life depended on it.
"Calm down Flower, I could feel your emotions going in overdrive." Issac, her handsome caveman mate, tried to calm her down.
It worked.
"Now don't worry and take a deep breath, everyone will love you. Don't worry."
She smiled, really feeling calm with a little bit of jitters. "You really think so?" He kissed her head.
"I know so." An awee came from behind them, turns out it was Anika fawning over them.
"Oh my you two are just the cutest!"
Before she could rave more about them, the bells ring, telling them that it is time for her ceremony.
"Oky let's do this!" She says with determination and begins to walk. Issac however froze. His eyes locked on her.
"Issac, what is wrong?"
He seems to snap out of it. "No nothing, it's just that, you look absolutely gorgeous Flower." That got her all blushing.
"Thank you Issac." She mumbles while trying to contain her blush.

Her dress was a simple aline cream dress, almost had a boho vintage feel to it

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Her dress was a simple aline cream dress, almost had a boho vintage feel to it. See-through sleeves that are covered in fine jewels that makes their way down to my middle for a jeweled belt. Purls was beautifully stitched into patterns that make their waiy down to the end of the dress.
It was a simple yet elegant dress for her ceremony.
She was nervous, she was going to get branded as the beta suprano and her mind was going crazy, but there was also butterflies in her stomach.
"I'll see you on the stage my Flower." He whispered in her ear and Anika was having a fangirling moment at Issac's display of affection.
"I'll see you there." She smiled, her nerves slightly calming now that he was with her.

"Issac are you sure you won't kill me?" Julian mutters next to him on the stage.
Julian was extremely worried that he would attack when Julian brands and bites Catherine.
Issac said nothing
"Issac!?" Julian whisper yell in almost panic when he didn't answer.
He couldn't tell Julian that he wouldn't, even a nick on his mate's skin sends him in a rage. So, hopefully he won't.
The violins begins to play and everyone settled down.
When he was introduced, drums were playing. With Catherine they played violins.
And there she was next to the Queen, looking as radiant as ever. Flowers flowed in her locks that was pinned to one side, leaving her right shoulder exposed for the branding.

She reached the stage and the violins quieted down.
"Royal Pack, we are gathered here for the branding of the Superior Beta's Mate, our Beta Suprano, Catherine Jane Black."
The people smiled brightly, she didn't see any looks of hatred, thank goodness for that.
"Catherine, vow that you will assist the queen in her duties. That you will put the well being of all packs in mind when making any decisions. That you will serve this pack with all that you are. Most of all, vow that you will stand by the Superior Beta and protect him, just like he will stand by and protect you."
"I vow."
"I will now commence the bonding." This is where Julian bites her right palm, it connects her to the pack and establish her rank.
She could see Julian shooting a worried look at Issac who was glaring daggers at him. She just smiled ay her mate's protective nature.
Then Julian sink his fangs into her, it felt like a bee sting and then she could feel the connection forming. It felt like strings being pulled in her body. A very wierd feeling and then it stopped. She was now connected to the pack. It almost knocked her off of her feet, but she remained standing.
"The bond is formed, I will now continue to the branding. The brand is your identification to all, that you are the beta suprano and will leave no room for questioning. Do you accept this branding?" Julian asked her. With a shaky breath she replied.
"I do." She could see Issac clenching his fist, his jaw tense as Julian brings true branding rod near her.
Anika pulled at her right sleeve so that her shoulder was exposed and she kneeled in front of Julian.
Julian gave her a 'sorry' smile and she is sure he sent a prayer to the Goddess, begging her to not let Issac rip his arms off.
Then the immense pain met my shoulder, the searing hot rod was burning her skin as she felt the rod being pressed deeper and deeper.
She let out a whimper, refusing to scream. Sure tears were forming in her eyes but she kept them back.
A minute passed and then the pain faded away and the rod was removed from her shoulder. The mark proudly showing.
"With the branding complete, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Beta Suprano, Catherine Jane!"

The ceremony ends and the whole pack cheered. Their overwhelming joy radiated over her body.
Issac couldn't stop smiling at her,but worry still laced as he checked her shoulder and then calming down.
He grabs her attention as he kneels. The whole pack gasped and her nerves shot up.
What was he doing?!
"Issac what are you..." She was so overwhelmed, her heart beat picked up, she was afraid it might jump out of her ribcage.
"Catherine Jane Black, I'm not sure how to do this, but will you marry me please?" Catherine knew the werewolf was not so big on marriage because marking is basically the same, but since she was little she dreamed of her wedding. One as beautiful as her mother's. She didn't even tell Issac about that.
She was bursting in tears and couldn't stop smiling. "Yes! Yes! A hundred times yes!" She tacked him into a kiss and once again the pack roared with joy. She couldn't care less as she focus on her lips against his. She'll never tire of the feeling.
He slowly slipped the ring onto her finger.
The ring was a simple gold band with a diamond in the middle.
"Go back to the room where you got ready, I have a surprise for you there." She looks up to his mischievous eyes. "Why don't you come with me." He gave a nervous smile. "Part of the surprise." He quickly kissed her lips and disappeared.
With butterflies in her stomach she goes back to the room where they dressed her.

"Surprise!" She was taken back by her mother and her brother's mates standing there in the room. She rushed into her mother's arms. "What are you doing here?"
Her mother also wore the mischievous face.
"Getting you ready for your wedding."
She froze in shock.
Ther sister in laws giggles, "Oh yes, Issac is truly romantic, who knew! Planned everything, now let's get you ready."
"Wait wait, I'm getting married?"
"Yes." They all said.
"No, but tomorrow you are."
"No buts! Let's get you ready for your Bachelorette party!"

Her mind could still not processed what just happened.
Planned their wedding.
She's getting married!



Well that happened!! 😁😁😁

Soooo who saw that comming? 🤔👀

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