Chapter 26

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"It was you." Her voice didn't hold any doubt. Somehow she recognized him and he is certain it's because his brief loss of control.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He looked at the ground, unable to face her. He didn't know if he could tell her. She starts to cry. "Silence of coarse. I shouldn't have expected anything else! Why do I even bother?" She yells and she storms out of the room.
Madeline sends Ethan after her. Leaving just him and the Luna. "Issac, dear." Her voice was soft, but commanding. "Look, I know much of what you have been through,the Goddess has shown me." That got his attention and he looked up at her. "And I know I can't possibly understand what you are going through. All I know is that you don't need to carry your burdens alone anymore. The Goddess sent Catherine as your mate, she knew that you guys are perfect for each other. That you two complete each other."
Her words sink in, but he was so afraid. Afraid of the monster that Catherine will see when he tells her everything.
"She will leave me." he said, you could barely hear him.
"You will need to let her in Issac, she will never reject you. But if this continues she will become the shell of the one you see now. I don't want that for my daughter." He couldn't say anything. What could he say? "Take it one day at a time Issac, small and steady." Madeline walked around the table and stood next to him. She gently placed a kiss on his head and walked out. Leaving him shells shocked. He never had that kind of affection shown to him. The affection of a mother. His wolf wasn't hostile towards her either and he found that very odd. Take it one day at a time. Madeline's words echoes in his mind. He then thinks of Catherine, his flower. His breathing becomes ragged and his hands are shaking in fear of losing her. He needs to try, but he didn't know where to start.

Catherine ran up to her old room, falling on her bed. She was a crying mess. Why couldn't Issac open up to her? Why was he like this? She tries and fails every time!
"Babygirl I'm comming in." Her father whispers and he softly came in and sat next to her lying body and stroked her back. He said nothing, only consoled her while she cried. "Look Janey." Her father always calls her Janey when she is sad or upset. "Issac is a very different and needles to say a difficult man. You need to be patient with him." She looks up to her father who scooped her up and placed her between his legs like she was little and crying. It felt silly now, but she welcomed it non the less.
"I am, I have been trying. I just can't seem to do anything. It's like the bond doesn't even bother him."
Father wipes her tears away, chuckling. "Oh believe me the bond does effect him, he just doesn't know how to handle it. You need to be strong and assertive in your relationship, you will need to help him. You've seen me and your mother as mates. You know where to begin. He never had that vision to look up to. Give him time. He needs you just as much as you need him. Just take it one step at a time." He placed one last kiss on her head and left her room. Just take it one step at a time. Her father's words plays in her mind. With new found determination, she runs and pulls open to door to come face to face with Issac who has his one hand up in a position to knock on her door. It looked like he is trying to talk to her, but failing miserable seeing as he just looks like a fish out of water. She gently takes takes his hand in hers. "Let's take a walk." She leads him away fron the pack to the cliff near the river. She loved playing here as a child. Issac was on edge. "It's oky Issac, come sit next to me." She pats on the grass next to her and he slowly sat down. Their shoulders barely touch, but she could feel it.
"When did you find out that I was your mate?" She had to start somewhere. "You were eight." She was shocked. "Why didn't you say anything to my parents?" He seemed to have a difficulty answering that question so she quickly redirect. "I want to thank you for saving me that day."
"I couldn't let them touch you like that." She looked at him from the side of her eyes to see him looking at her. His eyes are flashing black with golden dots. She wanted to ask him why his eyes flashed like that, but she had a feeling that that was a question for another day. Baby steps. She reminds herself, he already opened up alot. They stare together at the view in complete serenity. "Catherine."
She waited patiently for him to say what he needed to. For encouragement she put her hand on top of his. That seemed to have done the trick.
"I ... I will do my best, promise,just don't leave me. I don't know what to say or do or how to act, so please." Being assertive as her father told her she climb onto his lap and held his face. His face alarmed at her actions and uncertainty is swimming in his eyes. "I will never leave you Issac." With much force she kissed him. He was frozen by her actions, but then he melted into the kiss as he now kissed her back with just as much force. He pulled her closer by her hips. Their tongues are fighting, not for dominance, but for all the cooped up feelings neither one could express.
Their kiss ended and she smiled and she was sure she was blushing and getting redder by the minute. "I'd say you knew exactly what to do." She whispered and then he smiled. Not a big smile, a teeny tiny one, but it was there.
"It's getting late, we should return." He says looking at the sun that was already down and you could see the starts coming out and she pouts. "But I am to lazy to walk right now." Her face falls on his shoulder. With one motion he stood up with her in his hands and he begins to walk home. She was now a blushing mess, her mate is carrying her like some damsel in distress. She wanted to avoid Issac seeing her like this so she hides her face in his neck. She feels him chuckle. Oh gosh.

They said nothing on the way to her parents, all she knows is that she fell asleep listening to his pulse and the rhythmic walk.

He watched as Issac carried his granddaughter back to the house. "Did you know that they would be mates?" Zelus appears. "No, I did not." They watch the couple each with their own taughts. "Are you afraid?" Zelus watched Lucius. "Not when I know that no matter what happens you will protect her." Zelus laughs. "That is alot of trust you put into me Lu, you sure you want to do that?"
"Well Maddy and Cat are still alive aren't they?" Zelus could only smile, they looked so much like Morgana that he felt his heart break every time. No matter how much he wished and even all the power he had, he could not bring her back. "Zelus your murderous intent is comming off of you in waves. Contain it, Issac might feel it." He struggled, but contained it. "Let's go." And they were off.


For what everyone was waiting for, one small yet big step in their relationship. 😁

Also just some news, I'm busy with another two stories.
One being Elliot's story and one abiut Xavier.

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

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The Alpha's Daughter: The Beta's Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن