Chapter 21

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It was a cold morning, more cold than what he was used to, but he didn't worry. He could adapt, they forced him to learn that. Just then he felt something warm around him. It was coat made of wool. "You don't have tp struggle so much boy, be clever and use your surroundings and resources." He didn't say it, but he was thankful of his teacher. He has been learning alot from him.
He asked.
His teacher only smiled, knowing the complete question that he was asking. "If I tell you I would have to kill you." It wasn't a threat, but he knew that his teacher will not tell him anything. Just like him, his teacher was very secretive or rather they didn't share much. His hands starts to shake and his teacher sees this. "Come, let's get training, boy."

So this morning Catherine got ready for school, despite the looks she was receiving from Issac that tells her he doesn't want her to go, she went anyway.
She was feeling a little bit sick, but it really was nothing.
He says that she needs to rest, but he is just overreacting.
Or rather is lack of reaction. He simply says 'no' or just walks away.
She threatened that she will walk to school alone and it looked like he caved, because Issac scheduled a ride for her saying that he had bussines to attend, she thaught nothing of it since Julian was spending more time with Anika and the new Princess. Zelda was absolutely adorable and she often went to the castle to help Anika with anything if Julian needed to leave.
Just yesterday she was playing with Ian, they got into a nasty waterbaloon fight. Leaving them both laughing and soaked to the bone, but she had so much fun.

So here she was at school with Monika, "Did you hear that we have a new PE teacher?" They were now in math class the first thing in the morning.
She wasn't ready for this class at all. Why did she had to come today? Serves her right for her stubborn ways.
Math and her in the morning doesn't mix that well. "No, what happened to Mr Ver?"
"Don't know, even the teachers are all hush hush about it." That is strange. "Well we do have PE today so we will get to see him."

The whole day she taught she was going insane because she was smelling Issac and it made her crazy. Was she yearning for him that much?
What made matters worse is that she smelled him on girls and she wanted to attack them. Her wolf was going in overdrive with his smell.
"Oeh I can't wait to see the new teacher!" Monika yells in that weirdly high voice that girls get. She didn't respond, she was to focused on trying to focus.
How ironic.
"Mmm." She mumbles back and they make their way to the gym. Once they got there the smell was like a punch on the gut. His smell was the strongest here. Her wolf was growling like a madman. She could feel her wolf force her in a shift.
Everyone is probably gossiping about the new teacher however she now had a clue.
The doors open and it was confirmed, Issac was the new PE teacher.
All the girls giggled and fanned themselves and she had to hold her growl. She was basically fuming. "Cat?" Monika tries to get her attention, but she was to busy to try and control her wolf.
"Oeh I hope he is my mate." The girl behind her say and Monika grabbed her arm. "Chill Cat, be calm." Since when did telling a girl to keep calm make her calm.
"I am Mr Snyder your new PE teacher. I don't like being disobeyed." His voice was so powerful, it made her legs like jelly and with wonder, calmed down her wolf as well. "Now let's take a few laps around the court!"

While running she could feel Issac's gaze on her the whole time, but she pushed through. She wanted to impress him, but she was still mad at him. Why didn't he tell her this?
Her anger made her run faster.
Two of the jocks wanted to trip her. She dodge the first boy but she wasn't so lucky with the second and she plummet to the ground. "Look at the Alpha's Daughter trying to get into the pants of the teacher all of the sudden!"
People around her laughed but it was silence by a very dangerous growl. He said nothing as he approached her. He picked her up and walked out of the gym to the nurses office. "I am fine Issac, it will heal by the time we get there." She whisper but it fell on deaf ears as he continues to carry her.
He walked into the room and the nurses jumped in fear. It may be because he is very ripped or the scars. She couldn't know for sure but she just went with it since Issac is not going to change his mind.
Gently he puts her on a bed and with one look to the nurse made her jump into action. She couldn't do much but she cleaned the wounds anyway and by the time the nurse was done the wounds healed up.
The nurse scurried away, leaving them alone. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to teach at my school?" She felt sad that he didn't atleast tell her instead of her finding out, but he just stared at her. The bell rings, "You should get to class." He says and walks out.

She falls back on the bed and tears fall down on her cheeks.
Why was he so hard to read?
Does he not like her?
Why does she feel her heart break?
It wasn't suppose to be like this. She wasn't suppose to struggle this hard with her mate.
When she felt like her tears are gone she got up, washed her face and went to her next class.

The rest of the day went by as the rest of the morning. She was holding herself back to attack any girl or boy with Issac's scent on them. It was a primordial instinct because she was nor marked nor mated to Issac yet.
It didn't help that she was furious with Issac and clearly heartbroken.

After school ended she stood outside with Monika. "Cat are you alright?" Monika was very worried about her the whole day through, but this is the first time she asked that.
"I have to be, I can't break now." She gave a weak attempt of a smile.
She was just so tired.
"Hey I'm here if you need to talk oky." She says while running to the car.
She felt Issac's presence behind her. She turned around and there he was. He didn't say anything just walked away and she knew to follow him.

Like always their ride home was silent  and for once she was glad. If she said something now she would explode.
When they finally reached home she stormed into the house and into the bedroom,'trying' to do her homework than thinking about her mate and their lack of a relationship.

The Alpha's Daughter: The Beta's MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora