Chapter 30

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"Oeh this looks like a nice place!" Catherine grabbed his hand and leads him to a place called Crazy Rose, it looked like a lovely place, it gave him a kind of bakery vibe.
"Welcome to Crazy Rose, how cam we help you?" A short girl ask before she saw him and she gulped. Catherine basically smiled and it made the girl calm.
"A table for two please."
"Yes! Yes right away."
The table she leads us to as a bit closed off from the rest of the people and he was sort of glad for that.
"I'll be here in a few minutes for your orders." She smiles and runs away.

Catherine was glad the girl took them to a more private place. She didn't want everyone looking at them, especially for Issac's part. He already looked uncomfortable enough.
"Have you been here before?" She ask to which he gave a caveman reply.
"Do you often eat out?"
She deflates, she's is mated to a caveman at heart.
"Well why not."
He looks at her, his gaze made her feel heated.
"I don't see the need. I have food at home."
"But don't you just go out to relax and not make food?"
"No, I do not find other people making food for me relaxing." Issac seemed to get more twitchy by the second speaking about food. She figured it was one of the things she knows he won't speak about, yet.
She felt her heart swell that he even took her out even if he was uncomfortable with the idea. She bites her lip as she thinks of how to make Issac more comfortable.

His mate seemed troubled and he hoped he hadn't cause her to worry even if he couldn't tell why he can't eat other people's food.
The waiter comes back, looking all nervous, "Can I place an order for you two?"
"No, no thank you, we will be leaving." Catherine spoke up to which he frowned.
The waiter looked shaken up, "Ma'am is there something wrong?" Catherine smiled with grace.
"Oh no, don't worry nothing is wrong. We just need to do something else first." His mate says and grabbed his hand and hauled him out of the shop. He was complete confused.
"Cathrine what is wrong?" Did he do something wrong?
"No, but I want us both to feel comfortable not just me Issac." She says with determination.
"So instead we are going to the market do buy ingredients to make us a lovely meal, the rest we can harvest back home and we'll make a meal together, oky?" Her smile was to bright, it shines like the colours of flowers in a distance when the sun hits the forest just right.
"O...oky." He didn't think it was possible, but her smile made her seemed even brighter.

Catherine dragged Issac all over the market. Everyone was staring at then with a certain awe.
Everyone was in amazed how this girl that they know to be the Beta's mate had such a hold on him that not even the king had.

"Issac do you think these are good?" Cathrine showed him carrots.
"Yes." She smiled at that and continued on while he just held their bags of ingredients and followed her. When Catherine decided they had enough they went back home to work on the farm. Catherine couldn't stop talking or ask him questions to which he didn't mind answering.

When they finished they were both covered in dirt. Yet to Issac, Catherine looked absolutely beautiful.
"Oky, Issac you will need to help me cook because I don't want to burn down the kitchen." She pouts and he couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"Don't worry Flower, I got you."
Catherine blushed at her nickname that Issac calls her. She loved it.
"Thank you, Issac."
And so they begin making their breakfast that turned into lunch.

Issac had am eventful time with Catherine, he didn't expect that she did what she did for him even if he was the one who was suppose to take her out. It kind of angered him that he couldn't follow through with breakfast, but someday he will.
Right now he was catching up with his paperwork while Cathrine is in their room doing homework.
The time went by and the sun has set and the moon on full view. He was restless, agitated and he didn't know why.
Then a smell hits him at full force and it was like a drug to him.
His instinct took over completely and there was no way he could get back control.

He raced to where the smell is comming from and sees Catherine lying on the bed in her underwear, full of sweat and her breath uneven and rapid. She seemed in pain.
Her eyes snapped at him. "Issac!" She moans his name and it stirred something in him. He didn't know what to do and his mate was in pain. There was also this tempting smell that urged him to go closer to her instead of taking her to the hospital like he tried to.
He walks closer to her and she holds out her hand. The moment he took it his body exploded with an overwhelming desire. A desire to be close to her.
His lips crashed on hers and he was lost. Drowning with desire for his mate. He kept kissing her as she pulls him closer to her, locking him in her grip.

Catherine ripped his shirt, not liking that there was fabric separating his skin from hers. She needs to feel him. She knew she was in heat, but she didn't think it would come this soon. There was no warning, it just hit her and now all she wanted was Issac.
Issac froze when he feels his shirt being ripped. He pulled away, Catherine couldn't understand what was wrong, but then she saw him. All the scars. She sits on her knees and held Issac's face. His eyes couldn't meet hers.
"You are so handsome Issac, you don't need to hide them from me. I love your scars, they are apart of you. You don't need to hide them from me." She claims his lips, her lips was so soft and gentle, pouring all her feelings into this one small kiss.
"Not from me."

Her beautiful blue eyes swirled with emotions he could not understand, but he knew it was not bad. Never from Catherine.
This time he claims her lips once again and they fall back onto the bed. Their kisses becomes more sloppy, more needy. They needed each other. Issac's hands were shaking as he felt her body, needing to feel every inch of her. Catherine was doing the same, she traced all his scars that she could feel, not once did they break from each other's lips. They were drowning in each other's touch and they wanted more.
"Catherine I... I don't...know..." Issac tries to say between their kisses, that he has no idea what he is doing, but Catherine didn't let him swirl in his own mind when she ripped his pants off. "Please Issac, I need you." This was more than baby steps and they both knew it, but the heat didn't give them any choice. Issac's body was not his own anymore and neither was Catherine's body her own. "Are you sure?" Issac grunts out, needing her more and more by the second. "Yes Issac." Her eyes swirled black, her wolf surfacing.
He couldn't hold back any more and gave in his control as he plunged into her. Catherine screams and she holds onto him for dear life. Then the pleasure rolled off of her as he slowly starts to move inside her, steady with his body still shaking. Catherine moans from the friction inside, as she arch her back a little. This fueled him on to go faster, they were a growling mess.
"Oh Issac!"
Catherine holds onto the sheets as he plunges more deeper into her. The pleasure kept rolling off her in waves. She wanted more.

Issac was lost in her moans, the way her back arched, how her lips parted and closed with each thrust that gave them pleasure. How their eyes met and everything just disappeared around them.
It was just them, in this moment.
Catherine wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her nails sink into the skin and he growls in pleasure. They start to move faster, their canines grew longer. "Catherine!" They knew they were about to mark each other and there was nothing they could do or wanted to do.
Catherine showed her neck and he marked her and soon after he bared his neck, something a royal wolf doesn't do and she marked him. The jolt made them reach their climax and Issac fell softly on top of her as exhaustion washed over them.


Whew, so that happened, sorry for the long wait.
How was it?

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