Chapter 29

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Issac watched his sleepy mate get into bed and almost immediately fell asleep. He couldn't help but chuckle at that. He slowly bends down and kiss her head. As silently as he could he left the room and changed into his wolf who was itching to get out after being cooped up for too long. They ran and hunted till the sun came up.
He thinks back to when Catherine threw her brother off of him.

After he put Catherine to rest he stayed with her until he knew she was oky. He then went down to find all the boys looking down in shame and a fuming Luna.
"How dare you do that to your sister's mate!?" Madeline's voice boomed, her power radiating off of her. "You hurt your sister by doing what you just did! And look at your children, cowering away, scared, because of what you did! I dahm know I raised you better than this!" He had to admit that she looked terrifying when she was mad. Catherine's brothers whimper at each scolding.
Ethan and Xavier appeared, all covered in sweat. Ethan was frowning.
"Butterfly, what is wrong? I felt your anger." Ethan nuzzle his face in her neck. Xavier was assessing the situation of cowering children and shameful brothers.
"Our sons attacked Issac, practically scaring the children and made Cathrine go feral." It was now Ethan and Xavier's turn to get mad as their eyes turn black.
"Come love, let's go calm you down." Ethan mumbles to Madeline while he picks her up and she clings to him. Xavier was then left, giving a deadly look to his brothers.
"Do you realize that Issac could have ripped you all to shreds on his own? Do you realize the fright you gave your mate's and children?" The flinch from his tone. "Do you realize how Issac must have held back because you are his mate's sister? You know full well the control needed and yet you dared to do that? Risking your lives, you should thank Issac for his self control, I sure as fuck wouldn't have it if I was attacked by anyone, family or not of my mate." Issac could understand that, Xavier was an Alpha and any attack against him and his mate will end in disaster for the other party. He would have probably be the same if not for his intense training with his teacher.
"As punishment, you'll take the night shift, when you get off you will be assisting the omega's with breakfast and when that is done you will look after your children and let your mate relax. You'll do this for two weeks." Their eyes grew wide with horror.
" But..."
"Are we clear?" Xavier gave no option. They all looked down.
"Yes brother." They munbled and Xavier smiled.
"Good, your punishment starts as soon as Kitty leaves."

The rest of the trip went smoothly, he could really see how much Catherine enjoyed being back with her family despite the drama. She even tried to beg Xavier to lessen her brothers punishments. Xavier didn't budge, but he could tell he almost did if Catherine went on begging. The children seemed to have taken a liking to him and he is now known as Uncle Scar, in to which resulted in him watching The Lion King with the kids. Catherine joined in as well and she was crying when Scar let Mufasa fall to his death and Simba was crying. He was in a panic when he saw her tears, fearing he did something wrong, but he quickly realized it was the movie.
If movies made her cry he didn't want her watching them. He doesn't like his mate crying. At all.

The sun was rising and by now they yearned for their mate so they made their way back to their home. Only to be greeted with smoke comming out of the house. Panic overflows him. "Catherine!" He breaks the door down and runs to the kitchen where it was clouded with smoke and his mate coughing like no tomorrow. He scooped her up and went outside. It's then that he looks at her. She had a apron on, covered in heavens know what, her hair was a mess and her face had egg and flower on it. "I just wanted to cook you some breakfast." She sniffs and he gives her a bewildered look. How can breakfast turn into a mess like this? He couldn't help but smile and his heart turns soft. "Let me make breakfast from now on oky?" She sniffs and smiles at him. "Are you saying I can't cook?" She pouts and he wipes the flour from her face.
"I'm just saying that maby you would enjoy me making you breakfast every morning." She giggles, she full well knows her cooking is terrible. "Smooth words from a caveman." He frowns at her words. She didn't give him much time think about her words before she pecked his cheek. "I'd take you up on that offer with breakfast now." He smiled, just barely.
He helps Catherine up and they walk inside the house. The smoke is mostly gone but the smell of burning food remains. He then thinks back about what Ian said.
He was struggling to say what he wanted to. This was new territory for him, but he made a promise to her. "Why don't I take you out this morning?" Catherine's eyes light up and she jumped up and down. "Let me go get ready!" And she runs upstairs to their room. He went to the other bedroom and got ready.

He waited for her in the living room when she appeared and a beautiful white dress, her hair was left alone in their natural curly state. He couldn't stop staring."This ws too much isn't it?" And she turns to leave, but he quickly catch her arm. "You're beautiful, Flower." He mumbles under her breath and she blushed. "T...thank you."


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Yay, Issac is taking Catherine out!

Unrelated to this book, I need to know something.
I'm getting at Elliot's book and for me to plan further and I need to know what you guys would like or not.

Obviously he's gay so there is that...

So now my question is this.
>Mpreg yes or no?
>Adoption yes or no?
>Adoption with a twist yes or no?
>Something different yes or no?

Which option would you guys like vir Elliot's kid?

My updates will be slower because I am moving and that is going to take most of my time for a vew weeks so please don't hate me if updates takes longer

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