Chapter 8

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"Look at the monster, an abomination to our kind." The guards spit at him, but he didn't react to their words. Why should he? "Leave him alone." He hated that voice. "He might be an abomination, but if you both were in there with him you would be dead." He hated how true the man was. He growls when the man opens the gate. "Now now beastie, be a good boy." The man comes closer and inject the drug, he couldn't even avoid it. How could he when he was chained up. "Don't worry, I'll let you show your fangs in bit." And the man leaves, laughing all the way as he succumb to the darkness.

True to Issac's words, there stood her parents on the front porch all worried while the other man tries to calm them down. "Julian I swear if one hair on her...." Her dad yells and then he sees her and a wave of relieve follows. "Oh thank goodness, I was worried Cat." Her father basically tried to suffocate her with his hug. "Dad, need oxygen to live!" She chokes out and he let's her go. "Why did you run off like that?" Her father's face was in his typical frown and her mother was avoiding her gaze so she knows mother didn't let them in on anything. "Catherine is comming with me." Issac stated from behind her and she looks at him in horror when her father begins to growl. "My girl is going nowhere! You will not take her!" Issac growled back with more force, standing closer to her. "She is my mate and she will come back with me!" Her father stopped growling and his eyes fall on her in shock  "Is this true Cat?" She blushed and look at the ground. "Yes Father." She hears him take a deep breath then goes to stand in front of Issac. "You better take care of her Issac, I don't care if you're the Beta Superior, I will hurt you if you hurt her. Understand!" Oh father.
Issac didn't say anything he just stared at her father with an intense look and then his eyes shifted to her. "Catherine, go get packed." She rushed into the house to her room. Oh she didn't know where to start! Should she just pack clothes? Will she come back later to get more stuffes packed? Will he even let her come back? Would he mind alot of luggage? "What is this about my baby finding a mate!?" She smiled when she heard her voice. "Monika!" She rushed over to hug her best friend, she was Austin's youngest daughter and was born a few weeks after Catherine. "So is he handsome?" Monika beamed while throwing bags out ofln the floor while she just sits on the bed. She learned that when Monika packs it is best to stay out of her way. "Yes he is." her clothes are flying out of the closet. "Come on girl, you suck at giving details! Fine how old is he?"
"I honestly don't know, I just met him." She peaks behind the closet. "Will you still come to school?" That was another thing she didn't know. She didn't know about alot of stuff yet. "I don't know Monika. I guess I'll ask him, but I don't know." She felt herself getting stressed so she walks the her bedside table and reacher for her necklace that instantly calms her when she puts it on and plays with it. "Oh don't worry Cat, I'm sure he'll let you finish school." She hoped so too. About six bags and two boxes later and Monika was done packing. Her room was now empty, it looked more like a guestroom now. She just hopes that he will let her take all her stuff. She walks down with Monika with one of the lighter bags tagging along. Issac and the rest is in the living room. Issac looked at her almost immediately and it felt uncanny. "Uhm I packed. T...the rest of the stuff is stil on room." Gosh why did she have to stutter so much? Issac and  Julian stood up. "Alrighty Catherine, I'll take you to the car while Issac gets the rest of your stuff."
Issac stood up immediately after Julian finished. "Oh oky." She follows Julian while Issac goes to get her stuff. "I can't believe my beta finally found a mate! He's not a bad guy I promise so please bare with him." Julian reminded her of Monika who is just as outspoken and forward. He helps her put the bags in the car she then sees how Issac is carrying the two boxes and the five bags. Her eyes almost popped out at the sight of it, of him. He skillfully put all the bags safely in the back. "We must leave now." He tells her and she took this as his way of telling her that she should say goodbye. Her father was already standing there with his arms ipen for her. She runs into them as she holds onto him. His arms picked her up and held her tight. "My baby girl is growing up." His voice was beginning to crack and she just nuzzled her face in his neck. "I'll always be your baby girl Daddy." He kisses her forehead and lets her down. Next was her mother who was already crying. She welcomed her motherly embrace. "Take good care of yourself and your mate Sweetheart. Remember I love you soo much." Her mother kissed her as well. "Tell the boys I said bye." All her brothers were off to college far away. She wanted to atleast see them, but she doesn't think Issac will stay a day so her brothers can come and say goodbye. She and Monika gave each other a big hug before she returned to Issac's side. "Let's go." He opens the door for her and she climbs in with Julian following. Issac climbs in on the other side and then they were off. "Frederick do not take the same route back." Issac says in a voice that give me a chill. "Yes Beta Superior."
It then sinks in, Issac is the Beta Superior of the royal pack!

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