Chapter 19

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I can literally feel all your frustration on Catherine's and Issac's relationship. I mean chapter 19 and they never had a decent conversation, frustrating.
And it kind of makes me happy, because it is suppose to be frustrating.

So for everyone who wanted to further their relationship, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait, but I tried my best to give atleast a nibble.

To Athenstargirl2020mention

Here is a little bit of Julian for you.

And the rest of the rest of my readers, our frustrating couple as much as I could give right now.

Thanks for everyone's input!

"How can all of them be dead? You assured me it would work!" He hears screaming comming from somewhere. The gates to his cell was ripped open and there stood a man. "Come on boy, let see if fate is death in store for you." He tried to scoot away, he was a mere child of two. He didn't know what was happening. Trying to run was no option he realized when the man picked him up and dragged his body to who knows where. On the way he saw the lifeless bodies if toddlers like him. He begins to struggle, but the man was simply too strong. "Stop struggling you filth!" The man shouted, but he didn't stop.
He was pushed in a bright white room where two men restrained him on a bed. "Doctor you better hope this one survives, or your life is next." He hears on the com. On his left he sees a man dressed in white, getting something ready. "Yes sir." The man in white replied.
He tried to struggle as the man came closer, but with the restrains on his body made it quite difficult. He felt the needle and then the burning sensation that took over his body.

He woke up to white. All around him was basically white. "Child." A motherly voice calls to him. He sees a woman dressed in white with a crown that looked like a moon. "Oh child, the world is a cruel place, but you need to go back. I'll look after you." The woman kissed his head. "I won't be able to protect you now, so you must hold out a little longer child." The woman says again. She kissed his head and then it felt like he was falling. "Be brave my child."

It was a beautiful day for Catherine, the weather was read worthy. So that is what she was doing today, reading a book.
"Honey I'm home!" The door burst open and her book falls out of her hands.
"King Julian, what a pleasant surprise. We were not expecting you." She bows and he fakes a heart atrack.
"Not expecting? Not expecting! Oh my poor dear heart." He fans himself while she didn't have a clue what to say or do. He takes a dramatic seat.
"Uhm, would you like some tea? Coffee perhaps?"
"No I just wanna see my Honey!" Julian throws a tantrum and she was frozen. What should she do? Is the king not feeling well? Does he want honey from the beehives?
"Uhm I...."
Issac enters the room and she felt like she could breathe again. "Ah my sweet Honey!" Julian goes in attempt to hug Issac but he quickly dodges it.
"Julian why are you here?"
King Julian took a fall trying to hug Issac. So now he lays on the floor like he is posing for a photo or something.
"Well if you must know, my lovely mate would like to hold a dinner party for you two. Don't worry Issac I can already sense you frowning, it will just be us and you two."
It sounded wonderful to her, but somehow she felt like Issac would not like it.
"And before you refuse, it's the queen's orders."
"Very well, when should we be there?"
Oh she could jump in joy, well she guess Issac had no choice but to say yes,because of the queen, but she'll take it.
Julian jumped up in joy as well.
"About six should be fine, semi formal wear."
"Very well, now leave." Julian pouts, "You are no fun Issac and how mean are you to speak to your king like that!" He throws a fit and cross his hands.
"Julian!" Issac says in a warning growl and he throws up his hands in surrender.
"Allright I've got my hands in the air like I just don't care!" and Julian runs out when Issac growled again.
It was now once again silent. "I would have never expected a king to act like that." She says, hoping to spike a decent conversation.
"Yes indeed, one would think he would be more mature. He is the exact opposite." She giggles when she sees Issac frown once again.
He seems to frown more when in the presence of Julian or speaking about him.
She found it highly adorable.
"Well I guess it makes your job as a beta quite difficult then?" He nods, "But atleast when I am beta with you I can help you more." He nodds and walks away and her shoulders sag. Why did he find it so hard to talk to her?
Did he not want her?
She shook her head free of these negative taughts and decided it would be best to get ready for tonight.

"Oh Julian I'm so excited for tonight. I'd like to see how they are as a couple." His wife raves while getting everything ready for tonight. He was ordered, by his oh so lovely wife, to sit still before he brings disaster.
Leaving him pouting in the corner, sitting on a chair.
"Well from what I saw, there was not much of a connection." He frowns when thinking of the beta couple.
"Well it's gonna take time Jule, you know how Issac is."
"Yeah I know, but I don't understand how he can act like that with a new bond like that." He wondered indeed.
"Well like I said, Issac isn't really like the rest."
"Don't I know it." Sometimes he worries too much about Issac, but despite how Issac is. He found himself to be one of his best friends.
He watch his wife and his smile grew looking at her stomach.
"I hope it's a girl." He says and she laughs. "If it is she will be your death, she will have you wrapped around her finger and you won't even know it."
He pouts, "How would you know?" She walks over to him and place a kiss on his head. "Because I know you silly."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" She giggles.
"Well from my perspective, good, from yours, not so much. I can sniff you arw about to do something stupid from a mile away." She smirks when she sees him brooding further.
"I only tell the truth, don't be Mr Broodman." He gasp.
"I am not broody!"
She smirks, "Fine,you are just very dramatic."
He wanted to argue, but one look from his wife and he knew it will only end up bad for him.
He's never won an argument with her before, his chances are even less now that she is pregnant.
"Just be lucky you are my mate." He mumbles and immediately a hardcover book hit his face.
"Actually Your Highness, you are dahm lucky to have someone like me!"
She goes to throw another book but he stop her just in time as he stood up and quickly hold her in his arms.
"Yea indeed, I am lucky to have such an amazing mate." and he claimed her lips. She immediately melts into his arms, all hostility disappeared from her and he let her go and she was smiling.
"You're good."
He smirks.
"Oh I know."
Which earned him another hit on the shoulder before they break into laughter.

Catherine was so nervous, a dinner with the king and queen!
Is there like a protocol she must follow or what?
"Catherine, it's time to go."
Issac called and she looked at her outfit one last time before going downstairs.
"I'm kind of nervous." He didn't say anything for a while.
"There is no need to be." Was all he said, which didn't really comfort her at all at the moment.

They arrived at the castle and her nerves are high. They barely reached the door before it swings open. Showing a very happy King Julian.
"I'm glad you guys could make it! Come come!"
The inside of the castle was just as majestic as the outside. The walls were white with carved figures of wolves. The roof was painted in a forest scenery. It was really something else. Her grandmother would absolutely love this place.
"This place is amazing." She whispered, but it could clearly be heard in these walls.
"Indeed, my great great geat great grandfather carved these himself and his wife, my great great great great grandmother, painted the roof." Julian boasts about his heritage and the castle.
"Oh Julian don't talk their ears off yet." The queen came from somewhere and joined us. She was wearing a lovely dress that made her pregnant belly look even more beautiful.
"Queen Anika, it is nice to see you again." I bow and she waves me off. "Please call me Anika, drop the formalities. I have a hard time with Issac as it is, so please Anika is fine." She scowls at Issac before smiling at me again.
"Let us go to the living room, I have prepared a wonderful evening for us."

We follow Julian and Anika to, one of the many, living rooms in the castle.
"Catherine, shall we go get the snacks." Anika asked her when they reached the living room.
"With pleasure." Anika smiled, "Wonderful, now Issac keep an eye on Julian please."
Issac bows his head. "Yes your Grace." Anika rolla her eyes.
"Please get him to say my name one day." She whispered to her as they walk to the kitchen.
Catherine smiled, "I'll sure try." I mean he doesn't even call her by a nickname, it's just Catherine.
"Oh my." Anika stops and holds her stomach.
"Anika are you all right?" She waves her off, "Yes, yes I'm fine, just a little contractions. Nothing I'm not used to."
She wasn't that convinced, but she trusted Anika.
Still she will keep a closer eye on Anika.
The last thing she wants is for something to happen to her while she was with her.


How happy or angry are you guys at me?
I'm quite happy with this chapter

Athenstargirl2020 was it good enough?

Please be patient for my updates I have a heavy schedule right now so please be patient!


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