Chapter 45

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"I love you my Darling. Come home, I miss you."

Issac opened his eyes, confused, he looked around for the voice that woke him up.
"Where am I?"
He was in some kind of straw dome, lying on animal skin that felt nostalgic to him. On the other side of the dome there was a rock table with different bowls and it smelled like medicine. On the roof hanged all types of plants and gemstones.
He tried to move, but winched. It is then that he saw that his body was wrapped in some kind of bandages.
"Oh you're awake." A tall broad man came in. He had dark brown skin, he wore a buckskin cloak, he had feathers in his hair with long black hair. There was some black and white markings on his face, making him look more fierce.
Never the less, Issac kept his eyes on him, judging to see if this was a friend or foe.
"Don't worry brave one, I'm no enemy." The man chuckled and sat down. From up close, he saw that the man's eyes were almost black.
"I'm Denali, the chief of the Fox tribe, do you remembered what happened to you?"
Issac tried to think, think of anything. Who he was, what he was doing, why he is hurt, but nothing came to mind. What was his name even?
"I, I don't remember anything." He held his head that became heavier with the realization of his situation.
"Rest easy brave one, Shikoba, our healer, will look at you again. Don't stress to much about anything else. Let's get you healed up first. Aiyana, my daughter, will bring you food, it will fees your body and soul."
He layed back on the animal coat bed and rested his eyes as Denali left.
His eyes maybe closed, but his mind was spinning. He wanted to know who he was. His past. Why he was even hurt in the first place.
Not a moment later an elderly man entered, also the same dark skin but he had more gray hair than black, wearing a cloak as well. He had several beads hanging from his neck.

" I am Shikoba, the healer of this tribe

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" I am Shikoba, the healer of this tribe. You do not have to fear me, brave one." Issac felt no hostility from him either, so he felt more comfortable with him than with the chief.
Shikoba began to mix some herbs that also smelled nostalgic to him. Could he have been a healer like Shikoba?
"You fought many battles Calian."
Calian?" Shikoba braught him back to the present.
"Is that my name?" Shikoba smiled at him while cleaning his wounds.
He couldn't even see one patch of shin that didn't have a scar, or a burned mark or something else.
"It can be until you remember your real name, it can be. It means warrior of life."
"I see."
Shikoba continued to clean his wounds, the water, Shikoba said, had some healing affect.
A girl appeared, she had dark brown skin, black hair that almost touched the ground, but it was in some kind of braid with feathers and beads in it. Like Shikoba an Denali, she wore a buckskin dress with tassles at the end.

She carried some kind of liquid food in a bowl

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She carried some kind of liquid food in a bowl.
"Apologies for intruding Shikoba." She said and kneeled across from Shikoba. "I'm Aiyana, daughter of Denali, my father sent me to get you food."
She held out the bowl, it didn't smell bad at all. Issac felt hungry when he saw the food.
"You must replenish the strength you lost, drink, it will help."
Aiyana helped him to drink the soup. It went down easy and didn't hurt to swallow.
"I heard father said you had no memories, I can't imagine the trauma you must have been through." He nodded, but said nothing.
"Aiyana, let Calian be. He must get his strength." Shikona said to Aiyana as he sat down to apply a greenlike mixture on his wounds, it held a certain sting to it.
"If it stings it works."
That was reassuring atleast. He kept watching Shikoba as he applied the ointment. He paid no attention to Aiyana.
"Calian, that name suits you." Aiyana said to get his attention.
"I guess."
He said, Issac really was not in the mood to talk he wanted to be left alone.
"Aiyana, if you're done feeding him, let him be, I'm sure you have to assist in the fields." Shikoba ordered and Aiyana left.
"Do exuse the chief's daughter." He didn't think Shikoba had to apologize to him. He didn't even understand what happened in the first place to make Shikoba apol9to him.
Shikoba wrapped his wounds again after he applied the ointment.
"Rest now Calian, worry not for the past or the future, it will reveal itself in due time."
Shikoba then left and he was asleep in a matter of seconds.

Denali sat around the fire, listening to the music and watching his people dance.
Shikoba joined him and warmed his hands.
"The spirit led you too him?" Shikoba asked.
"Yes, I followed the spirits, the eagle showed him to me. He was like a rabid animal, but his eyes. They were sad, in pain and desperate, nothing like an angered beast at all." Denali thinks back on how he found the man they now named Calian.
"Yes, I sensed it as well, a very troubled man, but I got the sense that he just made peace with his demons."
They both stared at the flames, both thinking of the man in their medical dome.
"We must lead him to where he needs to be." Shikoba said.
"I agree, but his vision is clouded."
Indeed it was.
"Denali, make sure Aiyana is not the one who clouds it more."

Aiyana watched the wounded man sleeping. He was indeed a very fine specimen. His scars was something to behold, a sign of great power.
He would make a fine husband indeed.


Sooo Issac lost his memory 😬😬😬
Got some new characters, what do you think of them?
Could Aiyana bring trouble?

Also my SO and I are out of quarantine. He was fine, couldn't taste or smell, but other than that he was fine.
He still can't taste or smell but I hear that takes a while to get it back, so we wait.

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