Chapter 44

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"Sweet are you sure about this?" Her mother fawns over her. She could not blame her mother for being worried.
"Yes, I need to go.", she turns around to see her family all worried about her. To reassure them, she gave them a smile.
"It's the home Issac build for me and him. When he makes his way back home from wherever that may be, he won't be comming here, but back home, at out farm." Her father hugged her, knowing she made up her mind.
"Be safe Janey." He whispered and kissed her forehead. She closer her eyes and hugged him tight.
"I will. Thank you for everything Daddy."
With a heavy heart she let go of her father. Her guard waiting by the car for her.
"Shall we go now Suprano?" Her guard, Lawrence, refused to adress her as anything else outside the pack.
"Yes." She climbs in and a few moments later she fell asleep.
She felt so tired these last few days.

Ethan looks at the car driving away, he prayed that she will be oky.
"Xavier, are we ready to move out?" He asked his son.
"Good, we leave in five."
Ethan felt bad for keeping this from his daughter, but it was only to protect her.
They found the location where Issac is being held, he didn't want to tell her because she will want to join them and it was much too dangerous and they didn't know in which state they would find Issac, of they even would fond him.
"Are you sure it was wise to keep this from her father?" Xavier asked.
"Yes, she's fragile at the moment and anything could set her off, we cant afford her to break down again."
Xavier winced at that, remembering the night that Cat completely lost it when she woke up and Issac was not with her. She didn't calm down until late the afternoon. His sister was a wreck, he never saw her like that and it pained him to see her like that.
"Very well father." Xavier leaves to make sure his men are ready.
Ethan's mate hugged him from behind. "You will not find him there Wolfie." She whispered, he could hear her crying so he turned around and hugged her.
"Maybe not, but I still have to try, something could lead us to him." He wipes her tears away.
Madeline's gift was a blessing and a curse, she sometimes sees into the future, certain snippets, she does not know when it will happen or how, only that it will. Sometimes she can do something about it, other times not. This was one of those times when she could not do a thing.
"For our daughter, I need to try." He kissed her nose and she smiled, just a little. "For our daughter."

The ride to the werehouse was nerve wrecking. Just what did his mate see and what would they find?
"Father, the building should be in view already." He looks over to where the building should be.
"So where is it?" He whispered, but as they got closer, it became clear.
"Dear mother of.... What happened?" Everyone was stunned at what they saw, the whole building seemed to have collapsed, blood could be seen and smelled. Body parts of people layed scattered all around.
Death and destruction hang like a fog over this collapsed building along with chemicals that made their nose burn.
"The Luna confirmed that we will not find the Beta here, search for anything that might give us a clue to where he could be and check for survivors.." He ordered and the troops scattered.
"What do you think happened here?" Xavier asked him.
He looked around, he has never seen such a gruesome scene, who knows what could have happened here.
"I don't even know if I want to know."

They've been here for hours, so far they have found nothing.
"Alpha, we found something."
He and Xavier rush over to the person who called them.
"What have you found, Carl?" They asked.
"Alpha, it's not much, but I've detected scents that no doupt belongs to children and maybe an adult. It travels south."
"Father, I'll follow the scents while you stay behind to search for more clues to where Issac might be."
They nod in agreement and went their separate ways.

Xavier went with Carl to follow the scents. Their scents was getting more clear and easier to follow.
It lead them to a cave.
"Don't worry children it will be alright." A woman whispered from deep within.
"Carl, stay behind, I'll go in, too many men might spook them." They nod and stayed behind but alert.
He makes his way slowly onto the cave, he could definitely smell the children and one woman.
When he could see he saw about ten children with the woman.
It seems that the woman finally noticed him and she got infront of the children, her body shivering in fear, "Mam, please, I mean no harm. I only want to help." He tried to reassure her.
She still didn't move from her spot. Not trusting him at all.
"How do I know that?"
It was a long shot, but, "Issac is my family."
The woman's body completely relaxed.
"Issac, have you found him yet?" She asked in urgency.
"No we did not yet, but please, let me take you and the children to safety."
She looks at the children then back at him.
"Allright." She agreed
"I'm Xavier. Your name mam?"
"Ramona, nice to meet you. Let me help carry the children who cannot walk."
She nodds, "Children, this is Xavier, he knows Uncle Iza, we need to follow him now." Uncle Iza? Interesting.
Ramona gives him two children. One boy and one girl. They both couldn't be older than two.
"They are the youngest, their names are Claude and Odette."
He looks at the children and felt the need to protect them at all cost.
"Let's get you guys to a save place."


Sooo, where is Issac?

On another note my SO tested positive for covid today so we are in isolation. So far I'm healthy and my test came back negative so we hope for the best.

The Alpha's Daughter: The Beta's MateWhere stories live. Discover now