Chapter 51

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Sorry for the long wait, this is going to be a short chapter, but when I edit I'm sure I'll be longer.

I've been struggling with how to explain Issac's story.


The scent of his mate made him calm enough to tell his story.
Julian knew of his troubled past so it was alot of emotions that was spared at this moment.
"I was taken by the son of the man who held me captive all those years ago. As soon as I realized who took me I made a plan to escape like I did before, but then I met Ramona."

The girl braught his 'medicine' like usual, but this time it was another girl. She seemed different from all the other.
"What's your name?" He asked. She jumped in fright, but also ready to fight if need be. He recognized the shine in her eyes, the pain she had.
"I'm Issac."
He took the injections and groaned, his beast already growling.
Ramona rushed out in fright and he waited.
On time the Professor came, holding a chain collar. "Come now beastie, it's time for your fight."
He growled as he was being dragged to a place he had hoped to never see again.
He could hear the cheering of the crowds in the distance.
The door opened and through it walked a child who couldn't be older than two who was battered up. His whole body shook at this image as his own past flashed in his mind.
He needed to get out, this time, it won't be just him.
The people injected him with another liquid and he felt his conscious slipping away.
"Don't disappoint me." The Professor whispered and a cheery tone and the iron gates open.

"We were used as experiments, to create a weapon that would destroy the target at the will of the master it had. I was one of the first who had survived the test when it was in the early stages. The bastad's twisted son took over his work. Injecting my blood in their new test subjects. I had befriended Ramona and learned she was the caregiver for the children and it was she who told me about what they did with my blood." He closed his eyes, he braught so many destruction on innocent children.

He threw a second man against the wall, lights out or possibly dead. He didn't know how many times he faught off the guards. He knew what they wanted to do with his blood thanks to Ramona, he refused. He will not let other children suffer like he did or possibly be responsible for their death.
"Get me the Professor!" He growled and one man rushed to get the bastard.
Moments later the devil himself came.
"What is it that you seek?"
This was risky, but he didn't see another option.
"Experiment on me all you want, but you must leave the children alone." The Professor laughed, "And why would I do what you ask of me?"
"Full cooperation from me, no resistance, better results to test later on." That got the Professor thinking.
"But only if you don't harm the children, they need to be in perfect condition if you want my blood for them." Which was the truth, he has seen what his blood injected to others can do.
"Fine, I wont harm the children, yet, until your results is deemed usable on the children." He felt relieved for the children even if he was playing a very dangerous game.
"Do we have a deal, Professor?" He held out his hand and they shook on it. Trying not to kill the man right now and send hin on a suicide mission to get everyone out.

"My blood did things." He whispered. He was repulsed by his own body.
Truly how could someone love someone like him. He was a monster, an abomination.
The sparks that flowed through his body calmed him, only his mate could provide him with this calmness. Her hand rested on his shoulder and she smiled down at him. Encouraging him to be strong.
She loved him, Catherine loved him.
How could he ever begin to explain the feelings he had?
"I had a plan to escape, but I had to change it to free all the children that were being held captive."

"This is suicide Issac! You'll kill yourself." Ramona tried to argue as she stared at the syringes full of black liquid.
"I won't die."
"How can you be so sure? You have a mate out there!" She pointed out, hoping it would let him come to his senses.
It backfired, she only saw more conviction and determination in his eyes, "That is why I won't die, Catherine is waiting for me."
The guards came, ready with the injection.
Ramona moved to the side as the guards took him. She got ready to leave but saw something sticking out of the pillow.

'Wait for my signal, get the kids ready.'

Ramona looked at it, very confused.
What signal?
But she followed his instructions and rushed to the kids hall. "Kids, we're getting out here." She rushed to everyone to make sure they were ready to escape, putting stronger children with the weaker.
All they had to do was wait for the signal. "Roro, are we going to see the sun and moon now?" She looks down at Zoey, a child who has grown very close to her heart. Her unruly black hair could never be tamed and those hazel eyes ever so innocent still despite what those monsters did to her.
"Yes we are, Zoey." She gives her toothy smile and Ramona kissed her head.

And then the alarm went off.


Do you want me to go more in detail about Issac's time while he was captured or leave it like this?

I sometimes find that our own imagination works to fill in gaps. That sometimes the absence of a story in detail creates more emotion, but I don't know.
What do you guys think?
More detail or not?

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