16 Freinds Reunited

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All I wanted was to go home and crawl into bed, Penny wouldn't let me. She stayed with me till it was time for bed, making me drink, eat and talk about my feelings. For the next two mornings, Penny was round early, letting herself in with her own key. Before going to work, she made sure I was up, dressed and breakfasted. She left me a list of things to do, such as food shopping, cleaning, ironing, all things that she could check on. By the third day, I was up kettle on and feeling more human, before Kelly let herself in.

"You're up! Good, it's my day off. We're going out tonight, and I have a few things to get first".

"I don't feel up to going out, do we have to", I whined. "Where are we going"?

"Yes, we have to, and it's a surprise, you will thank me".

"How will I know what to wear if I don't know where we are going"?

"You're going to look drop-dead gorgeous. I'll be wearing that blue pencil dress, that's the only hint I'm giving you".

Half an hour later, Penny had bought some makeup and was looking at some very sexy lingerie.

"Anybody would think you had a hot date! You're not setting me up with a date, are you"?

"Yes, and no", but she wouldn't elaborate.

I needed a dress, and after visiting, several shops found, exactly what I was looking for, an emerald green A-line lace dress. With time now running short, we went back home to get ready.

I was first in the bathroom, nice hot soak, shaved arms, legs and bikini line. I was beginning to look forward to tonight. Heading back to my room, I knocked on Penny's door, to let her know the bathroom was free. She was in my room, her dress hanging up next to mine and her new underwear on the bed.

"I thought we could get ready together", she said on her way for her bath.

Sitting at the dressing table, I dried my hair, attached my breasts and moisturised. By the time Penny came back, I was wearing the bra, pantie and suspender set, I'd bought but never yet worn. As I rolled the new stockings up my legs, checking the seams were straight, Penny was drying her hair. As she finished drying her hair, I stepped into my new dress, and she zipped me up. Swapping places at the dressing table, I started on my makeup. In the background, Penny was moisturising and dressing. I would have been embarrassed if she saw me naked, but that was more to do with the fact that I was in the wrong body. Penny now sat doing her makeup as I checked my handbag. Finally, we were both ready, with five minutes to spare, before the taxi arrived. We checked ourselves over.

The taxi pulled up outside the Italian restaurant, where I'd first gone out as a woman, eighteen months ago. Surely this couldn't be a coincidence, looking at Penny she was defiantly excited about something. I was soon to find out why entering the restaurant there were the people I used to work with at the shipping company, waving excitedly. I was kissed, hugged and everybody was talking at once.

"You look good enough to eat", said Liam, then seeing the look on my face said, "sorry, I didn't mean ...".

"It's OK Liam", I said, caressing his cheek as I whispered in his ear, "maybe one day in the future", I teased.

Poor boy went very red. If he thought I'd been upset by what he said, he was wrong, it's just that a couple of things sprang to mind. Somebody else said that to me eighteen months ago and, look where that got me. Plus I had visions of a man's head between my thighs savouring my taste and aroma, nibbling on my labia, his tongue exploring every intimate detail. It gave me a little thrill. It would never happen with Liam or any of the boys from work. During the meal, I caught up with what had really happened since I left. How the boys though Kelly had become a reformed character, the girls had cut her out because of how she treated me. Penny and Robert had set this evening up, but looking over at them, it was clear that there was something more to this relationship. After the meal, we went back to that same club. I danced, flirted but was careful not to let things go too far.

Robert drove us home, perhaps he shouldn't have after drinking, but we got back without any mishap. I left the pair of them in the car gazing into each other's eyes. In my room, I undressed and took a good look at my body, peeled off my breasts, put my PJs on and crawled into bed. When I got up in the morning, I was going search for professional help in becoming the woman I should have been all along. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard footsteps and voices on the stairs, Penny's door opened and closed, 'lucky girl', I thought.

I slept like a log but was woken just after seven on hearing the front door closing. Getting up, god, it was cold this morning and looked out of the window in time to see Robert getting in his car. Scurrying back under the duvet with my laptop, I was about to start searching for transitioning advice locally. There was a knock on the door, and Penny poked her head in.

"Can I come in"?

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